Live Online Workshop – A gift from Yogahealer!

PIVOT Your 2021

Your future wants your attention.


Cate Stillman – CEO at Yogahealer

Cate wants you to have the best 2021 you can. If you don’t identify how you need to pivot now, you’ll have a bad start into the year. Use this time to clarify your pivot. We all need to pivot in 2021. The world is changing faster than ever.

How Do You Need to Pivot in 2021?

  • You know you need to make big changes in 2021
  • You have big ambitions, you don’t know how to achieve (if you’re honest with yourself)
  • You need to prioritize and clarify your plan
  • You know the power of strategic thinking… and want the time set aside to do it for your life
  • You have body goals
  • You want better relationships
  • You know something needs to change

Meet Cate Stillman

#1 Amazon Debut Author for Body Thrive

Cate is an evolutionary thought leader, entrepreneur, global community builder, and author of Master of You and Body Thrive. She founded in 2001 to guide people into their potential. She is renowned for her laser-sharp, no b.s. approach to enlightened living, which includes living your life on purpose for a bigger purpose. Her course members are never disappointed and know they can’t find this type of experience elsewhere.

© 2021 Yogahealer LLC

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