Healer Series 2 Thank You

Thank you!

I’m glad you’ve registered to join the

2nd Healer Series – Heal Your Money Issues to Launch Your 2022

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 11:00am – 12:30pm PT

Add the event + join-in info to your calendar!

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This workshop is for wellness professionals who want to break their next glass ceiling without breaking their neck in 2022

Come Away With

  • Positive stressor – using money as a positive stress
  • How to overcome your money issues even… when you don’t like sales
  • Forget charging what you are worth. Charge based on results you get with your clients.
  • …Where modern healer meets modern business skills
  • How to upgrade and simplify the systems behind your work
  • The essential nature of the healer lifestyle and personal rejuvenation
  • Healers for healers… rising tides raise all ships

The event starts in…

Healer Series 2 - Money Issues 12-2
Because you signed up for this series, we’d like to offer you a FREE Wellness Career Assessment Session. This assessment will help you see what your next steps should be to thrive in your career and your wellness lifestyle.
It’s so exciting to have you on the 
HEALER SERIES – Heal Your Money Issues to Launch Your 2022
Be ready for action. That’s how we roll.

© 2021 Yogahealer LLC