A LIVE Q&A session with
Cate Stillman.

Make your next crucial decision to live your purpose.

Cate will answer all your questions to help you build a strategic process to reach your next-level goals.


Do any of these questions resonate with you?

How do I find time to focus on my next-level goals?

Are there greater possibilities for me?

Do I have untapped potential?

Is it really possible to live the life that you wanted? How do I get there?

By attending this workshop, you can expect to come away with:

  • Making your next crucial decision to live your purpose
  • Smarter tools and powerful strategy to focus on your goal
  • Determine your potential to take you to the next level
  • Well-developed ideas and actionable plans
  • Create a positive impact on your life and others

Meet Cate Stillman

#1 Amazon Author for Body Thrive
#1 Amazon author for Secrets of the Six Figure Yoga Teacher
Cate is an evolutionary thought leader, entrepreneur, global community builder, and author of Master of You and Body Thrive.

She founded in 2001 to guide people into their potential.

She is renowned for her laser-sharp, no b.s. approach to enlightened living, which includes living your life on purpose for a bigger purpose.

Her course members are never disappointed and know they can’t find this type of experience elsewhere.

© 2021 Yogahealer LLC

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