Digestive Peace + Easeful Emotions
In Podcasts
In this interview I talk with Nadya Andreeva, from Spinach & Yoga about:
- Receiving nourishment
- Our emotions and food
- Sugar addiction + Sweet taste in Ayurveda
What we mention in this Episode:
- Serving your dharma through nourishment
- Diagnosing your digestive fire
- Mothering, Pitta + Sharp Digestion
- Healing Teas
Links from the Conversation:
- Nadya’s Blog
- Am I orthorexic? Take the quiz
- Webinar on How to Prevent Sugar Cravings] (https://www.entheos.com/academy/classes/how-to-prevent-sugar-craving–10-effective-unconventional-secrets)
- Happy Belly Cook book
- Digestion Questionnaire (starting on page 5)
- Digestive Health Panel
- The Weekly Meal Planner
- Best Plant Foods by Body Type
Favorite Quotes
“When you are serving to somebody, are you serving them differently than you would if you were eating by yourself? A good starting point is to think of yourself as a guest you are serving to. Put on your favorite music, use your favorite plate, whatever helps you move into a state of being there for yourself, not just feeling the taste of the food.”
“Is your body ready for food? How does your stomach feel? How does your breathe taste?”
“What time of day to you betray yourself?”