Quick, Easy Steps to Free your Mind for Independence Day
Free your Mind for Independence Day with my Freedom Fighters Practice!
In this podcast I give my own personal reasons for loving Independence Day. My Grandparents were all immigrants. They came to the USA with nothing but ultimately thrived because they were supported by a community who encouraged them to grasp every opportunity out there.
My Grandparents set the stage but mine, like yours I’m sure, would encourage us to take the ball and run with it!
In celebration of Independence Day this year I invite you to “Take Action!”
- Do you have a burning issue or problem that’s asking for resolution? If so, instead of focusing on the problem, start to ask yourself some really good questions.
- For example, if you are feeling overweight, instead of focusing on your inability to get into favourite clothes, or your increased breathlessness, ask yourself what you can do to make yourself feel better.
- “Once you turn your problem into a question, you will notice that you go into a pro-active relationship with life”
- I really feel that all our ancestors on every continent fought for our present opportunities. The opportunity to be truly free in every sense and to live life to our full potential.
Again “Take Action!”
Write down a problem and turn it into your best question and then post it on the Yogahealer Facebook page.
If I may say so myself these are some of my best lines :
- “If you are getting twisted in a knot about a problem; ask a better question.” 2.15
- “Instead of being in victim mode you start to open up to potentiality.” 4.55
- “Once you ask better questions your awareness starts to pull in answers from collective consciousness.” 3.23
- “The answer lies within the problem. What can I do to open my mind to co-creative potential?.”