The Mystical Powers of Your Internal Organs, A Chinese Medicine Perspective with Brodie Welch
Brodie grew up in the shadow of her older half sister – Dr. Claudia Welch. Dharmically driven to her own path as a healer and TCM wisdom maven Brodie shares with us today how to develop a relationship with our internal organs.
Just take a moment and ask your kidneys what kind of day they are having. Ask your liver what it wants for dinner. Ask your lungs what they want to do next. One of my favorite ways to experience greater interconnectivity in myself is to go into a second person dialogue, what Ken Wilber refers to as the “I-thou” relationship. We can do this with any part of the self. And as we do, we tap our intuition into the driver’s seat of our experience.
In today’s episode with Brodie Welch, LAC, we get into the historic Confucian names and nicknames for the organs with a capital O. In grasping the insight from the nickname as well as the order of command we connect deeper into our own integrated experience as a human with a body.
I rap with Brodie Welch about Developing a Relationship with your Organs:
- Find out the nicknames of your organs
- What happens with your Liver gets overloaded
- How your Heart falls in the Hierarchy
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- Specific acupoints for nourishing Yin energy
- How to use essential oils with acupoints
- Why a deep breath makes all the different in your Free and Easy Wanderer…
Favorite Quotes:
- As I was about to go look up all the official nicknames I learned in school, I realize that
- while those names were helpful in remembering what does what on a subtle level, I actually thinking about the organs not as these Confucian bureaucrats like the “general of the army” or “the official in charge of the granary” but as deities. Like the Tantric conception of the Hindu deities, the Organs are these forces inside us that we can call on to support is the ways we need. We can pray to / worship / insult these internal deities with food, herbs, using acupoints, putting ourselves in postures that support them (yoga, qi gong), lifestyle, essential oils on points. Points are very potent altars.
- And then that got me thinking about the voice dialogue work we did on the retreat –passing the mic around internally: which of your organs most needs to wield its power right now?
- So maybe something like “The Mystical Powers of Your Internal Organs?” “Your internal organs pantheon: A quick guide” or Chinese Medicine on the Path to Consciousness?
Guest BIO:
Brodie Welch is a Licensed Acupuncturist, board-certified herbalist, Chinese Medicine expert, and self-care strategist. She’s the founder of Life in Balance Acupuncture in Corvallis, Oregon, where she has been treating patients since 2003.
In addition to her clinical practice, Brodie shares her expertise to help caring, conscious women take care of themselves through innovative learn-from-anywhere courses and coaching programs on stress management, the bodymind connection, moving meditation, and Chinese Medicine. She’s also the creator and host of A Healthy Curiosity: the podcast that explores what it takes to be well in a busy world.