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Ayurveda for summer with Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta
The saying, “you don’t know what you don’t know” is proven again and again as people suffer unnecessary from bodily discomfort. My intention in scheduling this conversation with Yogahealer Real Life Show recurring guest, Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, was to have her lay it on the line for you all.
You see, Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta is a real deal vaidya. She happens to be a 63 year old woman of Italian-American descent living on her ranch in California. She is one of the most brilliant subtle body teachers available today. Luckily, she really likes coming on the podcast.
We have a talk about the basics for summer – how to avoid burnout. How to avoid overheating. How to avoid foods that will cause irritability to everyone in your life, including yourself.
In this interview I talk to Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta about:
- How to suffer in summer
- How to reverse summer imbalances
- How to control and optimize your body temperature for summer with basic Ayurvedic understanding
- Living a spiritual life
What I mention in this Episode:
- Why you need to rethink you summer sleep schedule
- How Mary Jo reverse engineers deep sleep every night
Links from the Conversation:
Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, a Chiropractor, is the Founder and President of Shaktiveda. She began her study of Ayurveda in 1979. She is a renowned master of Pulse Diagnosis or Nadi Vigyan – Knowledge of the subtle energies. Having taken over 40,000 pulse readings she is highly skilled in this delicate art.
Dr. Cravatta, a direct disciple of Kriya Babaji, places an emphasis on how to remove obstacles to a greater flow of awareness in your daily life. There is a level in the pulse that allows her to know what Chakra and Kosha you are working on, which indicates your karmic life lessons.