From Hectic to Healthy Holidays
On Blogtalk Radio, Intuitive Mom, Ann O’Brien asked me how to get more connected, more grounded, and make evolving choices from Thanksgiving through New Years Day.
Many of us are totally over the hyper-consumption ethos that kicks off on Black Friday and end with the post-holiday sales. Many of us have an internal urge to regurgitate our green juice when we hear Christmas music in stores before Halloween. And sometimes our families are more wrapped up in getting stuff and eating unhealthy stuff (or non-nutrient “food”) than we’re comfortable with or proud of. I’m calling you out to take a stand. While the easy way out is to just do your practice and let the world do it’s thing – a more yogic engagement approach is to initiate and sustain the change you want to see in the world.
How to Enlighten YOUR Family’s Holiday Season
- Start the conversations that evolve family traditions
- Navigate feeding your kids around through December’s sugar craze
- Get grounded in your vision … and your practices.
The holidays are often sticky inebriated repetitive predictable experiences where it can be challenging to celebrate what matters most. In this podcast I walk you through how to make a shift in how your family comes together to connect, to celebrate, to nourish and simplify the holiday season. I’ll teach you how to listen for what is most important to the eclectic members of your tribe.
In the evolution of our holidays, we’re not looking for a perfect picture here. In fact, the conversations I’m inviting you into will be awkward, unwieldy things you’re rather trade some personal meditation time for. But, they work and they help you do the inner-work that makes a difference in your clan, your community, and together starts to turn the tide of culture.
Listen to the conversation on this podcast – it’s the best avenue I’ve found to turn the tide in your holy daze season.
References in this Podcast:
Ann O’Brien – Floweringsol.com
The best gift for evolving your families
We’re actively, consciously, and with effort turning the tide in how our families connect…. how our families celebrate… how our families spend time and break bread together.
When we do take on this monolithic endeavor – of consciously working to shift our family culture…. our spiritual path and our conscious habits have a bigger impact.
The tendency, mine and probably yours, is to just take care of ourselves, best we can, in the sugar-coated cultural consumerism that dominates celebrations. Stop hiding – and take a stand to be part of the wave of change to update our traditions in line with our inter-connectivity.
We are changing culture…and our communities. And it starts with our selves… our families… and how we come together.