how to do ayurvedic pulse diagnosis
Have you ever wanted to do your own Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis? Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta takes us into a deeper level of knowing through the subtleties of touch. Using pulse to feel through the subtle layers, we can develop a deeper understanding of our bodies and dive more deeply into an intuitive relationship with divine consciousness. Learn the techniques of pulse diagnosis – nadi vigna – and cultivate your awareness and health through daily practice.
Special guest, Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, a Chiropractor, is the Founder and President of Shaktiveda. She began her study of Ayurveda in 1979. She is a renowned master of Pulse Diagnosis or Nadi Vigyan – Knowledge of the subtle energies. Having taken over 40,000 pulse readings she is highly skilled in this delicate art.
In this episode you will learn how to:
- Build awareness to take pulse
- Which fingers go where
- How to take the pulse as a therapy for yourself or for a loved one.
The nervous system is the interface between consciousness and the body, or the divine and you. Pulse therapy happens by tapping into unbounded awareness. Your consciusness needs to become unlimited to accurately do pulse diagnosis. As Dr. Mary Jo says, “The only limitation with pulse diagnosis is the limitation within the practitioner.”
Instructions on how to Take Your Pulse (27:19 – 39:45)
Take a guided practice on pulse diagnosis that walks you through:
- Finger placement
- Doshas and the types of pulse
- Focusing awareness to feel t
In this Living Ayurveda call with Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta
- We dive into the layers of the subtle body
- Tap into a deeper unbounded awareness
- Learn the technique to diagnosis superficial pulse
- Understand vata, pitta, and kapha through the pulse
- Build a foundational practice for healing
What we mention in this episode
- The importance of right relationship with our senses
- Shifting from intellectual knowledge to intuitive understanding
- Femininity, sexuality and pulse
Link from this conversation
Favorite quotes:
“The only limitation with pulse diagnosis is the limitation within the practitioner.”
~ Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta
Show Highlights
5:32 – 10:35
Learn how pulse taps into the pranamaya kosha, the energy body, to reflect a deeper awareness and understanding of the physical body, the anamaya kosha.
14:04 – 25:20
Learn about the different techniques and layers of pulse before diving into a deeper understanding the superficial layer of pulse diagnosis by exploring the foundational aspects of the fingers, touch, the doshas, and consciousness.
27:19 – 39:45
Take a guided practice on pulse diagnosis that walks you through:
- Finger placement
- Doshas and the types of pulse
- Focusing awareness to feel the subtleties of pulse