Jason Crandell: The Yoga of Teaching Yoga
Jason Crandell on the Yoga of Teaching Yoga
Meet Jason Crandell in a more personalized setting than you may have already met him in Yoga Journal on on Yogaglo. Our conversation steers to his take on how we teaches critical thinking in his yoga teachers training. We dive into the how yoga should evolve your thinking, especially as a teacher, and the critical skills necessary to evolve your own teachings, rather giving regurgitate your teacher’s teachings.
We also dive into who he follows on social media and how parenting has shifted his personal yoga practice and made him more and what yoga gives the path.
This special episode includes my recipe of the week for avoiding spring colds, allergies and sinus infections. And, the Ask Cate section is on a 1 minute practice from frazzled to grounded.
Listen in!
In this interview with Jason Crandall we talk about:
- Why yoga teachers need critical thinking & critical inquiry
- How to know which level of teaching yoga you are at
- Why he follows more skateboarders than yoga teachers on social media
- How has being a parent influenced your personal practice and your teaching
What I mention in this Episode:
- How to use Spicy Lemonade to prevent Sinus Infections
- How to unfrazzle yourself with a simple yoga/breathing sequence in under 1 minute
Links from the Conversation:
- Check out Jason’s super sweet yoga sequences: http://www.jasonyoga.com/yoga-poses/
Jason Crandell’s Bio
Jason Crandell, is a natural teacher and author with nearly 20 years of experience. His accessible, grounded classes integrate the best elements of power yoga, anatomical precision and mindfulness teachings. With a “knack for teaching subtle body movements in a way that everyone can understand” (Yoga Journal), Jason’s articulate, down-to-earth teaching will educate and empower you.
Named “one of the teachers shaping the future of yoga,” by Yoga Journal, Jason has been one of the most in-demand teachers at conferences around the world for over a decade. Considered a “teachers-teacher,” Jason has taught on countless teacher-training faculties, leads trainings globally, and regularly presents teacher-training content at esteemed conferences. He also provides online training on Yogaglo.com.
Jason’s primary teacher is Rodney Yee—who was kind enough to say, “Jason is taking the art of teaching yoga to its next level.”
Favorite Quotes from the Conversation
“ I have been using that quote from Rodney Yee for so many years I forget it was there in my website.”
– “I follow more skateboarders than yoga teachers on social media.”
– “I’m still who I was before yoga. I’m the same person i’ve been with a much bigger toolkit.”