Learning Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad
Doctor Vasant Lad is featured in this episode with some potent cuts from the Ayurveda Summit. We have over 27,000 listeners. By far this is the biggest, baddest event I’ve ever hosted or co-hosted. What a pleasure to bring all of this wisdom. If you haven’t checked out the summit, you can here: Ayurveda Summit
In this series of conversations, you will hear from:
- Dr. Eric Grasser
- Dr. Vasant Lad, founder of The Ayurvedic Institute and who is attributed with having the largest impact on spreading Ayurveda from India to the United States
- Sebastian Pole, Ayurvedic and Chinese Practitioner and co-manager at Pukka Herbs. (We stock their teas in our Yogidetox kits)
- Todd Caldecott is a medical herbalist and practitioner of Ayurveda, author of Food As Medicine, and Ayurveda In Nepal.
What is mentioned in this Episode:
- Learn where Ayurveda and Yoga intersect
- How to Predict what your menopause will be like
- How to know your herb dosage to cure a problem
- Should you eat meat?
Links from the Conversation:
Favorite Quotes from our Conversation:
-“Any substance has guna and karma.” Dr. Lad
– “Aspirin will increase Pitta. But if we give it was aloe vera juice, or milk, or tikta grita, it will be amazing.” Dr. Lad
– “Children are pure, open and sensitive so you get quick results.” Sebastian Pole
– ”I was taught to use a range of herbs together.” Sebastian Pole
– “Compliance is a problem with children, so take care to sweeten it up!.” Sebastian Pole