My Path towards A Life Of Thrive with Cece LaCena
Cece LaCena spent years of her life helping and healing others as a nutritional therapist, naturopath, and homeopath. Through her extensive reading into Ayurveda, she became very knowledgeable in holistic and healthy lifestyle habits. Her career path allowed her to disseminate this knowledge and advice to those around her. It was not until she started her journey with Body Thrive, however, that she realized that she was having trouble listening to her own advice and sticking to habits that could help her thrive. Cece goes on to explain her realization of how far she had fallen out of integrity with herself and how she fixed this on her Body Thrive journey.
Jessica and Cece discuss the true extent of the impact that the Body Thrive course has had on Cece’s overall health. They discuss the development of getting to bed early as Cece’s keystone habit, and how it grounded the rest of her habits, allowing everything to fall into place. Cate helped Cece to realize her true identity as an early riser, and how that led her to finding a refreshing, abundantly healthier version of herself. Cece describes how she utilized Body Thrive to kindle abundant energy, productivity, creativity, effective digestion and more. Listen in to hear how starting a journey with Body Thrive can lead to an abundance of compassion and clarity in your own life.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to truly realize your identity for personal growth.
- How Body Thrive improves clarity, confidence and overall health.
- Why commitment to key habits can help you to thrive

Show Highlights:
- 1:50 – Even people who know what’s best for themselves and others have a hard time putting in into practice. This disconnect between knowing what we need and doing something different leaves us feeling out of integrity with ourselves.
- 4:50 – Identifying and committing to a keystone habit, such as going to bed early, can have a profound influence on grounding the rest of our Body Thrive habits.
- 9:45 – The Body Thrive habits are amazing at transforming all the areas of life, ranging from confidence to creativity and even to our relationships with others.
Favorite Quotes
- “I was helping other people and knowing what I wanted to be doing, what I should be doing, and I wasn’t showing up that way. I was feeling a complete lack of integrity.” – Jessica Robinson
- “I’ve got hours to just leisurely indulge myself at the same time as having this crazy productivity.” – Cece LaCena
- “The group dynamic and the whole support of the community has been amazing.” – Cece LaCena
- “I also feel like I have much more compassion towards myself, but also towards others.” – Cece LaCena
Guest BIO:

In the very unlikely series of events, Cece discovered yoga at the age of 9, cigarettes at 10, and vodka by 13. What ensued was a magnificent epic journey soon leading toward the inevitable destruction by the age of 20, and eventually to the radical change in trajectory which saved her life. Since learning tools for natural healing, and automating her own Habits, she guides others on their journey into joy, freedom, ease and vibrant health on all levels of their being.
Discover more about Cece on at Thrive with Vibrant Wellness and Ease and connect with her on facebook – you’ll love her journey.