Superstar Yoga Teacher Career Workshop
Help Your Students Off the Mat
& add $20,000 – $60,00 income.
In this podcast, I teach you about:
1. How to help your students off the mat. 2. How to coach on diet and daily habits. 3. How to refine your business strategy to free up your time and explode your positive contribution to your community.
I’m glad you’re here. I had a big response to this LOCAL SUPERSTAR Workshop – which means this topic is striking a cord. As teachers we’re having a common experience where we feel like we can work our careers differently and experience another level of community impact and personal prosperity.
This is what the Superstar Podcast is all about.
I’ve talked to dozens of yoga teachers and healers over the past few months – and about 100 over the past year – so I have a good idea about what is going on. I have experience as a local teacher, a yoga studio owner, a traveling teacher and an online teacher – so i get what is going on for most of you.
This training is different because I’ve also heavily invested in my business training and coaching, and grown a well-respected brand and podcast with Yogahealer.com that has given me an income and lifestyle I beyond my dreams. Which is totally corny. But it’s true.
I aim to help you shift your career strategy based on what I know works. I know many of you are working with career coaches, and thank goodness. The difference with me is that I come from within our industry as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Teacher and I’ve doubled my revenues repeatedly over the past few years. Which again is totally bizarre. All while raising my young kid and living 1/2 time surfside in Mexico and 1/2 time at the base of the Teton Mountains.
I get what is going on in your day-to-day life… and I get how the industry is quickly evolving. I know what works firsthand and I have a pretty good idea what kind of lifestyle you’re looking to live.
What I also mention in this Episode:
The 5 Steps to Becoming THE LOCAL SUPERSTAR YOGA TEACHER Step 1: Awaken to that you can help your students with Diet + Daily Habits The secret of this step is realizing that yoga has a code of daily habits and lifestyle design that is based in Ayurveda. It’s intrinsic in Yoga Any good Yoga Teacher Training Program teaches the Ayurvedic Dina Charya. IT’s simple stuff… but most people aren’t doing it.
Step 2: You need a business strategy that works. If you’ve watched my other webinars you know this one. If you don’t have a high end group coaching offer – you may have trouble financing your green drinks for the foreseeable future. What does this look like? You may have seen my Body Thrive Launch – it’s a simple program based on the 9 habits of Yoga Health Coaching. It’s a 10 week telecourse, which I sold at $1000 a student. I did a quick launch and generated close to 100 applications in 10 days. Having a simple sales strategy with a solid program that delivers results is huge.
Step. 3 You need to sell to and guarantee results
This is straightforward- it’s like buying a toaster. It does what it’s supposed to do… or you take it back. In my Body Thrive 10 week Yoga Health Coaching Program I guarantee if they fully participate, and I make full participation a very-doable experience, they are guaranteed to experience:
- More energy
- Deeper sleep
- A healthier diet
These guarantees are objectively measured by their own experience. I make the program and the guarantees explicit from the start.
Step 4: You need to understand the basics of Ayurvedic Worldview + Habit Change Science.
To help your students with health evolution in the context of yoga you need to have some solid footing in these two areas of expertise.
The Ayurvedic Worldview and how energy works in a daily and seasonal cycle is essential to understanding the daily health habits. The Daily Habits are simple.. but knowing why they work energetically from a yogic and ayurvedic perspective is part of your job.
We all know changing habits is hard work. Knowing habit change science is crucial to the fulfilling your guarantees. People know what they should be doing… in fact you probably know what you should be doing… but you probably have a hard time doing it. If you don’ t have solid practical experience in habit change science -you probably won’t be that effective as a Yoga Health Coach.
Step 5: You need a Mentor to make sure you follow through
The sea of momentum for yoga teachers will lead you back to your current state of affairs. You need to hang with a teacher who is doing this and knows how to do it… and hang with a posse of peers that are doing the real work on themselves, and in their business. There is no other way.
Links from the Conversation:
- So You Think You Want To Be A Yoga Teacher by Jason Crandell
- Yoga Health Coaching Application
- Yoga Teacher Business Strategy Session Application
Cate’s Favorite Quotes from the Conversation
The best business advice I’ve ever gotten is this… “What got you here, isn’t going to get you there.”
“At that stage in my career I was really confused. I didn’t want to earn the big bucks if I wasn’t learning and growing. I started to dislike the high end work. Dread it – actually.”
“I got interested in what was possible. What was trying to happen through me – and through my dissatisfaction that was proving to me I was barking up the wrong tree. And super groovy for you – I can help you shortcut the process, because I’ve been there and been doing that for 6 years now.”