and the winners are….
By Cate Stillman

So hard to decide, but here are the lucky winners:
Mary Mulaney ( & her husband Ralph) for doing the dirty work of running for a state rep to help my kid have a better public education.
Melissa McMaster wins because it seems like you could really use some support.
Kathryn Leonard – b/c I’m interested in how much money you won’t spend and what other benefits may arise l through the course.
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. And…..
everyone who replied (before Wed. at 9 pm 11/17,can talk the course for 1/2 price. Just send me at cate (at) yogahealer (dot) com, and I’ll send you the special link!
Kathryn Leonard
Posted at 13:42h, 18 NovemberWoo Hoo!!!!
I am overwhelmed with gratitude and resolve. I just did a big happy dance and made my 5-year-old giggle. Thank you Cate. I am really looking forward to this. A big bright and shiny Yultide Namaste to you and yours!
KIm Olsen
Posted at 18:08h, 18 NovemberAAAwesome Cate! Those were my picks too! Sooo persuasive.
Your generosity is overwhelming -K
Mary Mullaney
Posted at 19:17h, 18 NovemberThanks Cate! I’m most excited about the raw part and guidance offered on that. Might start that earlier than Dec. 1….
ps, wasn’t trying to guilt trip anyone, it was really our pleasure campaigning for public office etc. and hugely educational, but yes, it did take its toll. time to clean up after the dirty work!