How to Hydrate Right! With Alex Biondo and Gale Edison
We all know that hydration is important and absolutely essential for our survival. But did you also know that water makes our skin look lustrous and supple? Or that water lubricates our digestive tracts and makes us pooping champions? Or that it gives us energy and vibrancy and helps us to look healthy, shiny, and radiant?
Listen in on this podcast with Alex Biondo and Gale Edison and learn about the importance of hydration. Shift your perspective and your drinking habits; instead of drinking water to survive, drink water to Thrive!
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- Why is it important to hydrate?
- How to hydrate well
- What’s the deal with carbonated water?
Links Mentioned in Episode:
- Have a conversation with Alex!
- Body Thrive Book
- Yoga Health Coaching
- Body Thrive
- Gale’s website
- Gale’s facebook page
- Stay Hydrated with Copper H20

Show Highlights:
- 1:00- Alex and Gale share their hydration stories.
- 4:00- Whats the ‘why’ behind hydration? Why should we drink 8 glasses of water per day? What is water really doing for you?
- 6:45- Ways we can hydrate and the difference between hydration and flushing.
- 12:30- Carbonated water– is it good, is it bad? What’s the deal?
Favorite Quotes:
- “How can I make this fun and interesting so I am going to remember and want to hydrate?” -Gale Edison
- “Notice how you’re feeling and ask yourself, ‘did I drink enough water?’ and see if there’s a connection.” -Alex Biondo
Guest BIO:
Gale’s life has always been anchored in a committed physical practice. Practicing ballet from the age of 3, and highland dancing from the age of 4 into her adulthood, she went on to study dance in university. After exploring other career choices, her passion for movement therapies became her apparent life dharma- Committing to a life of learning and sharing empowering life practices. Gale studied hatha yoga under Meghan Currie and Sridaiva with Desi Springer and John Friend, and Yoga Tune Up’s Embodied Anatomy with Trina Altman. The most influential teacher in her practice is Dana Skoglund, her teacher who has a background in Anusara and Sridaiva yoga, as well as ayurveda. Through yoga and ayurveda Gale strives to facilitate a newfound sense of self-empowerment, self-accountability and gratitude for life in all those who practice in her community. Check out her website and contact on facebook page.
Host BIO:
Alex Biondo is a Colorado mountain girl who recently relocated to Wisconsin. She’s a Certified Yoga Health Coach, yoga teacher and single mom to an awesome teenage girl. She’s the founder of the Life On and Off the Mat Blog and the Vibrant Life course. She’s an enrollment coach at Yogahealer as well. Alex is passionate about empowering people to take charge of their health and lives. After years of letting life happen to her, she is now intentionally creating the life she wants for herself and her daughter. She’s an avid skier, music lover, cook and writer. In the summer, you can often find her dancing at an outdoor concert. You can find her all year-round at her website.