Intergenerational Healing & the Family Organism Perspective

The current alternative medical model copied the western medical model in treating the individual. This misses the greater context of the individual being part of a family organism. Most individuals who I see want to spend our limited and precious time together talking about themselves, but I encourage talk about their children, mates, and parents. In gaining a larger perspective of a client’s relationships and the lifestyle and meal patterns of the family I am able to construct a better plan and offer suggestions that resonate within a larger context for shifting their health.
As a reader, I’m sure this seems obvious. But I don’t find our culture is aware of a intergenerational perspective of health. The me-generation followed by the narcissistic post-moderns reflect their health to their personal experiences. I invite you to take a multi-generational perspective of your health – that your health as a path of awakening to ecstatic health is (1) an option, and (2) depend on your family organism. Discrepancies between your diet and lifestyle and the diet and lifestyle of your household members will ultimately lead to a blockage of energy flow, which leads to disharmony, which leads to disease.
What can we do to help our parents age gracefully and our children know how to strengthen their growing bodies in a world that will be increasingly toxic and carcinogenic? How can we apply skills from own evolution of self-care through what we’ve learned in yoga, meditation, whole foods & living foods diets, and holistic living techniques to our extended family? For me, this is a continual inquiry into what is working, what is actually able to be transmitted, and what is failing. I hope you’re not looking for concrete answers like a gluten-free diet or a spring Detox.
The first step might lie in a simple recognition that those we live with which we share a vibratory field. All of our individual actions,
from a business trip) I immediately enter “family- organism consciousness”. From this place I speak and act. I cook and play. I am able to sense what enhances health for each person and so even the way I speak is naturally attuned to enhance our connection. I invite you to try this as a spiritual practice with your parents, your mates or roommates, your children, or with whomever you share living space.
and of course our thoughts, affect this vibratory field. Simply slowing down to recognize that your awareness can encompass or become one with this family organism field brings you into awareness that it actually exists. From this attunement, naturally you will be more connected to the family organism which will lead you to speak and act from a more connected place. Others will be more easily able to learn from you, simply because you have created a field of connectivity or the collective conscious of your household.
I like to feel into what I call the “family organism” as a practice. When I enter my home (after leaving my home office or returning
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