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This is your LAST CHANCE to Join Living Ayurveda Course at the $6,000 price point. Our prices are increasing to $7,500 in February.



Because Your Life is the Highest
Stakes Game You Can Play

The #1 Ayurveda Course and Community to Guide you Through your Year Long Healing Journey.

Healing is a journey. Become your body’s healer and gain the wisdom of a lifetime, in one year, by learning and living Ayurveda.

Why You Want to Join Us in the Living Ayurveda Course

Become your own healer for life.
Get to the root cause of body and mind issues fast.
Build better resilience.
Emerge with better daily habits that lead to happiness and radiant longevity for your body, mind, and soul.
Crack the code on your sacred anatomy + Ayurvedic theory, including the doshas, the elements, constitutions, chakras, nadis, and koshas
Become your own cook, herbalist, and medicine maker.
Build a resilient immune system and powerful nervous system to navigate an increasingly complex world.
Become a more enlightened version of yourself.
Embed daily practices and rituals that evolve your life through experiencing spirit, soul, and heart.
Here’s How To Get Started in the Living Ayurveda Course

Why must YOU live Ayurveda?

Healing is a journey into a better, more integrated and informed version of your potential.

Humans are remarkably complex.

Our human minds, emotions, our psychology, our anatomy, and our evolutionary biology is the most sophisticated technology that exists. Period.

It’s no wonder most people never learn to decode the technology themselves.

Instead, we rely on fifteen-minute doctor visits to diagnose and know us better than we know ourselves. The result is a patchwork system of medical predictions and a focus on short-term results that rarely takes into consideration your unique self.

We’ve been trained that “doctor knows best” and while sometimes it’s true, like when surgery or pharmaceuticals are your best options, you need to learn from an integrated healing system to understand the complexity of your own body, mind and spirit what works for you.

If a system of healing doesn’t know how to look at the whole person, the health history, the ancestral history, the connection between ecosystem and microbiome, and their unique constitution and digestive pattern – it will be piecemeal.

And piecemeal bits of information will always be inadequate.

You need to develop your intuitive healing capacities. You need to take the responsibility of the healer into your own hands.

Cate Stillman first encountered Ayurveda on her search for enlightenment and to heal her imbalances systems back in 1997.
She attended Ayurveda College, became an Ayurvedic practitioner for over a decade worked to make the wisdom of Ayurveda more accessible to modern people. In 2007, the Living Ayurveda Course was born.

What Cate designed was a year-long course to become more bodily, energetically, intuitively, and spiritually intelligent, integrated versions of ourselves. Because when that happens, people feel better than they ever have, regardless of age.

Cate’s Living Ayurveda Course members repeatedly came back to her, saying, “I’m feeling better than I ever have. Ever. And I was going downhill decade after decade.”

The other oft-lamented phrase from Living Ayurveda members was, “I wish I knew this growing up. This would have made my life so much better. It’s like this level of health has always been available, but I didn’t know how to find it.”

When you hear that enough times, you realize that everyone – literally everybody – needs to know how to heal and how to go on a healing journey.

Guided by a specific curriculum that moves you into Ayurvedic wisdom through your personal healing path, where you become your own healer for life. You’ll become resilient, stronger, wiser, and healthier.

Typically, Ayurvedic theory is dense and can be hard to comprehend. The Living Ayurveda course is the opposite.

Cate and the Living Ayurveda mentors have repeatedly improved upon the curriculum, week by week, to make it fun and accessible for anyone.

We give you the training you need, when you need it, and guide you to powers within yourself with an intuitive curriculum, roadmaps, and tools designed to ensure you succeed.

Living Ayurveda is unparalleled – it’s both a gentle journey and an intensive dive into your lifelong core issues.

And the Living Ayurveda community is real. The culture is intelligent, supportive, and dynamic. Though we live around the planet, we are on the journey together.

Cate as a leader requires that you integrate the wisdom of Ayurveda, in the step-by-step curriculum, into your life during the course. This isn’t just a home study course. This is a dynamic learning community. As a self-healer member stated, “I’m so thankful for you and the Yogahealer community this year. It is such a blessing to finally find belonging in a community/tribe that share the same passions and questions and values.” KT Huser.

There’s a reason a dynamic coaching “community” can get you to a better life faster. When you play with a better team, you improve
your skills faster. We evolve faster with more evolved people.

Our goal is to help you heal and to know the power of Ayurveda thriving – in your body and mind. Health in Ayurveda requires a commitment to finding the truth within. A commitment to applying lessons learned from yesterday, and to discovering the subtler realms of being.

You see, who you are is complex. And in the culture of modern stresses, the subtlety of your wellbeing gets beat up.

If your health history also includes trauma – emotional or physical – the recovery to thrive is significant… and doable in a healing course community like Living Ayurveda.

Our membership ranges from experts on the healing path to beginners who are smitten with Ayurveda. This “science of life” ancient wisdom system has exactly what every human needs to thrive in their body. The journey into Ayurvedic wisdom leads many members to want to know more and more. And for that reason, they retake the course, again and again, on their path to self-discovery.

You receive world-class coaching and guidance, weekly. The reason the course is long – a year – is because healing, transformation, growth, and relationship development take time. You need to cycle through all the seasons within Ayurveda and with your ecosystem, and with us, for a year. Stuff will come up, even the unexpected, the downturns, the breakthroughs … and we will be here for you. We have tested time and again in Living Ayurveda what works – and a year-long journey for you into enhanced body wisdom works.

Members say this is the best investment in their future they have ever made. Investing in yourself can be a challenge – especially if your health has come last in your priorities. Yet, making this profound shift to putting yourself first will make all the difference in your daily experience and your future. Often people know that, but don’t act on it.

Ayurveda shows that the diseases of your ancestors are preventable.

Cate creates a coaching atmosphere that shows up authentically. This will help you work through unconscious obstacles, in an atmosphere of trust. And that will result in unparalleled breakthroughs.

You become a truly healthy, whole human being, with a much greater capacity in your subtle spiritual wisdom.

This is the Living Ayurveda Course experience. Your iterative evolutions will turn you into a better, smarter, healthier, and more capable version of yourself. And the beauty is, you’ll naturally share your wisdom with those in your life – so that they become more competent, capable, and healthier people. Living Ayurveda makes you your own.

It’s a game-changer for a life of prosperity.

Here’s How To Get Started in the Living Ayurveda Course

Living Wisdom. Your Inner Nature. Simple Solutions. Rewild Yourself in the Living Ayurveda Course


Healing Journey

Continue your healing journey with Ayurveda as your wisdom system and Cate as your guide.

Own Healer

Become your own healer in the process.

Immune System

Build a resilient immune system and powerful nervous system to navigate an increasingly complex and volatile world.

Ayurvedic Theory

Learn Ayurvedic theory, your constitution, the diagnostics, the subtle anatomy from the inside out.

Enlighten Your Life

Ayurveda’s sister is yoga – the path of enlightenment. Experience your next level awakening.

Seasonal Healing

Align daily and seasonal healing rituals through the year.

Daily Happiness

Embed the habits that lead to daily happiness.

Personal Ayurvedic

Become your personal Ayurvedic chef, herbalist and medicine maker.


Get the wise guidance and support you need, in real time, for an entire year!

You’re never more than a few days from a live coaching session. Our availability to solve real problems with you in real-time is an enormous benefit to Living Ayurveda members over the year you’ll be with us.

You’ll also have the option of pairing with a peer as a course partner. Having a partner on the path is one of the best-proven strategies for your success.

“I had severe pain, multiple health issues, high stress, and anxiety. These problems without solutions pushed me into a search for holistic options. I found Cate Stillman.
I stopped searching and started learning how to integrate Living Ayurveda course knowledge with self-care habits. It became easy to make choices for a calm, healthy lifestyle. Plus, learning as a Prohealer,
I can guide others to look within and empower their own self-healing journey’s like I did!”
Brenda Kyle
This course is best suited for three types of people: self healers, family healers and pro healers.

Self healers come to us who have a weak immune system, a serious disease, or symptoms that they can’t get to the root of. Family healers want their family members to thrive, who are the cook, the parent that is looking out for the wellbeing and wellness education of their children and parents. Pro healers are looking to add Ayurveda to their professional track. Many are yoga teachers, therapists, nurses, doctors or other health practitioners.

All members – self, family or pro – will go on through their unique healing journey with Living Ayurveda.

Fernanda Grisetti

“I know… This might sound too good to be true…

But hear the experiences of the people who attended the course…

Cate, this course is amazing. It has opened me up to whole new possibilities of health and lifestyle that I never even thought possible before. It has changed my life, my health, my habits, and those of my family in ways unforeseen to me before I started the course.
I cannot thank you enough! You have blown my entire world open with new possibilities for my personal health and wellbeing, that of my family, and for my career and life. THANK YOU!!!!!”

Megan Harley

“I feel deeply that the life skills that I’ve been learning in the Living Ayurveda Course, have facilitated an easefulness that’s bringing about the release of toxicity in me, and releasing me into my next evolutionary phase. 3 huge changes alone mean a new way of living.
No more chronic migraines.
No more chronic constipation.
No heart palpitations.

Thank you, Cate. Thank you, Living Ayurveda community. It’s my clear and strong intention to continue to study what you’re offering.”

Lisa Souba

“For me personally, Living Ayurveda changed how I live. It helped me answer the question “how is it so” in my own healing process so I could make the necessary changes in my daily living to create more balance where there was an imbalance.

Professionally, as a Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher, it has helped me recognize imbalances in my client’s/student’s and provide recommendations so they can have a more balanced body.”

Cate Stillman was a progressive and global thinker from a young age. She started her online company in 2001 after devoting her studies to planetary sustainability and human enlightenment. As an evolutionary thought leader, she has developed time-tested curriculums that guide people to thrive in their bodies and to achieve their life goals. In the process, she grew a company with a remote team and a freedom lifestyle to over a seven-figure mark.

When Cate paired up with her cousin, Andy Stillman, to co-lead, she leveraged his ability to coach people and businesses at the executive level.

As a member of Living Ayurveda, you’re part of something amazing. There’s no other course that seamlessly combines individual achievement with modern human challenges and unpredictability.

The result is you can set your unique goals and achieve them in real-time. With world-class coaching to dissect the obstacles that are sure to arise in the process. As an ambitious person, reinforced by a community and resources that lead you to transformative experiences.

You’re invited to adopt this model to build your own profitable wellness career and scalable business. We’ll guide you every step of the way.

Living Ayurveda is a strategic guided curriculum with world-class coaching to the life you want to live next.

Based on innovative business strategy coupled with the ancient holistic life purpose and a dynamic interactive global professional community, you will grow into the person, the purpose, and the life you most want to live next.

The Living Ayurveda Course guides you through multiple evolutions per year strategically to develop your life aligned to your unique goals.

We’ll guide you from chasing time to scaling your life dreams.

Leverage your unique abilities and cultivated skills to customize your life goals to author your future today.

“I’ve spent a lot of money over the years as part of my “continuing education,” and I can honestly say that Living Ayurveda has been one of the best investments yet. From improving the home environment to breaking through self-imposed limits and then right down to the basics of how to schedule all that needs to be done.

I love that the program is not simply conceptual–its shirt sleeves rolled up; let’s work through it together. This means you get results! The group of like-minded others is also such a gift! Thank you, Cate!”

Sally Burgess

What’s waiting for you

A better life, with your unique goals achieved in real-time, and exclusive guidance through the challenging territory ahead.
Start Living Ayurveda. Secure your seat with a $1500 payment today, and unlock world-class guidance into your next evolution.
Hurry! The next Living Ayurveda Course starts soon.

Unlock world-class