[Rapid City] Part 3. In the Classroom.

Before we get into the classroom pics, did I mention our food was OFF THE HOOK?
To say we were nourished by Batool Merali, of Nourish Myself, would be a gross understatement. Deep pranam.
Back to the classroom. Yogahealer Retreats aren’t known for just eating, visiting Dinosaur parks, and socializing. We do some seriously deep transformational work. See evidence below.
In all seriousness, and I was very very serious, moderating the Collaborative Leadership Experiment on the final day. I had no idea how it would turn out. We rocked it.
Power Empath, and YHC Tribe Scribe, Andrea Bachman, leaning in. She later threw down her soulful poetry around the fire pit.
YHC Mentor Jackie Prete, sharing her bright spark.
YHC Rockstar Nancy Ruby letting us know how it is…
Me demonstrating the power of intergenerational leadership. New YHC Maggie is 21. New YHC Speiser (some call her Lynda, but I prefer Spicer)….clocking in with a few more decades of subtle wisdom under her belt. YHC’s Neve-E-G and Erica T. posing with interest and delight.
LAC Leadership crew – the gorgeously empowered YHC Anne Welle + Self Healer Mary Sullivan…
Brooke Bailey (YHC in pilot leading phase), in mourning garb for her a past identity, with the sage posse of Pro Healers: Mary Sullivan (LAC Mentor), Allison Miller who rocks the leadership of Special Olympics and will be moonlighting as a YHC Nov. 2018), LAC + YHC Ayurveda Mentor Batool Merali, and new not-yet started but already earned a nickname the Debinator (Debbie Johnson). (No one could keep up with her on the lunch hikes.)
LAC Intergenerational Healer, Sarita, holding court.
Kaitlyn and Brooke pleasantly surprised at the public display of emotional support available at Yogahealer retreats.
Yoga Health Coach Erica Travis is biting her lip on something Jessica Robinson is revealing. Nancy Ruby leans in. ( I wonder what they’re talking about!)
Me being me… with us.
Notice my artwork in the background.
And, Youngest Yoga Health Coach, the strong, and purposeful new YHC Kapha Powerhouse Maggie T, and South Dakota native, in the foreground.
Did I mention the dance floor? There was a dance floor.
And it lit up.
Eventually we used it correctly.
Yeah, YHC Mentor Paula Pister… emerging as the Star she is.
YHC Coaching team Leader Rachel Peters and YHC tribe scribe Andrea Catherine really hope you come to Mexico. Well, Andrea wants you to come anyway.
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