Summer Kitchen Sadhana with a Dehydrator

As far as I can tell, summer living foods sadhana has a lot to do with winter. Those of you involved in growing or foraging food are familiar with the ridiculous bounty available right now. I grew up learning about canning, which destroys prana, enzymes and nutrients. With the dehydrator and small batch pickling you can can preserve your nutrients for times of scarcity. I’m mostly drying this year… because it’s crazy easy.
Here is my mid-summer kitchen sadhana. I hope it inspires you to MAKE YOUR OWN!
Wild Green Superfood Powder for Winter (dry in summer or fall)
Wild Tea for Winter (dry in summer or fall)
Dry a big bunch or two of the following:
- Sage (reduces Kapha, mucus, sore throats)
- Rose petals (Calming and smoothing, Pitta-reducing)
- Rose hips (Have a huge amount of vitamin C)
- Garden mints or wild mint (Reduces pitta, adds flavor)
- Nettle (tridoshic, high in iron and good for just about everything
Dried Soup Mix for Winter (dry in summer or fall)
1 bunch of chives, chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped
1 bunch of turnips, sliced thin
1 bunch of carrots, sliced thin
1 bunch of basil, lightly chopped
1 bunch marjoram
1 bunch wild weeds (chickweed, lambs quarter, dandelion, etc.) chopped
Dehydrate to a crisp. Store in a glass jar or in small ziploc baggies as a single serving size for your winter mug. Add 2 cups of hot water to 3 tbsp. mix and sip on your way down from the ski hill or with lunch at work on a cold day. Eating from your local ecosystem year round will attune your immune system.
Leona Wilson
Posted at 16:06h, 24 JulyDo you worry about insect eggs on wild plants for dehydrating?
Cate Stillman
Posted at 16:36h, 03 Septemberno – but maybe I should