What If You’re NOT Eating Organic?
Podcast Intro:
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the world’s most commonly used weed killer. Over 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms and foods yearly. Agrochemical companies claim that glyphosate is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. But scientific studies suggest otherwise.
Glyphosate has created a deadly disruption of the gut microbiome. Its effect on protein synthesis and the body’s ability to use and transport sulfur has greatly affected human health for the past decade.
In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Seneff talks about the effects of Glyphosate and how it is destroying our Health and Environment. She also talks about what happens if you don’t eat organic food and its immense effect on the human body.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- Sulfate is a vastly overlooked molecule playing many crucial roles in human metabolism.
- Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) greatly disturbs sulfate homeostasis in the body.
- Many biologically active molecules containing carbon rings transport sulfate throughout the body.
- Heparan sulfate is a complex sulfated polysaccharide that populates the extracellular matrix of most cells and is essential for the lysosomes to recycle cellular debris. It also controls neurodevelopment in the brain.
- Heparan sulfate deficiency in the brain ventricles is a characteristic feature of autism in humans and mice.
- Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter whose deficiency is associated with obesity, depression, and violent behavior. Serotonin is produced in large quantities in the gut and then sulfated before being transported to the brain.
- Cholesterol sulfate, synthesized in the skin in response to sunlight, is another important source of sulfate for the brain and the body.
- Endothelial nitric oxide synthase synthesizes nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide, switching between the two based on received signals from the blood.
- Nitrate and sulfate are the yin and yang controlling blood flow.
- Why you should eat Organic Foods
- What is Glyphosate
- How Chemicals and Pesticides affect the Human Body
- How the Body Breaks down Glyphosate
- Why Organic Foods are Essential to the Human Body
- How Glyphosate is destroying our Health and Environment
- What happens when you ferment the cruciferous?
- Check out the latest events in Yogahealer
- Other related topics:
- Stephanie Seneff’s Links
- Cate says that one of the things she sees with not having natural childbirth much in this country in the last 100 years is they take that power away from a woman to have a conscious birth, and then now she’s going to be less protective of her yard. She will be less protective of the food she’s putting in their body. And it’s all these breakdowns that happened in human consciousness.
- Cate shares the article in The New York Times that their idea to help farmers is number one.
- Cate says that the number one thing people think people can do is get involved with local farmers, promote organic, pay more, eat less, and eat healthily.
- [01:53] The Pollution caused by Profit-Producing Chemicals
- [07:41] What is Glyphosate?
- [09:20] The Monsanto Tests
- [12:59] The Predator Journal
- [15:14] The Rising Autism Rates and Comorbidities
- [20:27] The Harm to Natural Life caused by Glyphosate
- [27:43] Fiber that Breaks down Glyphosate
- [30:17] Stephanie’s Interest in Natural Birth
- [33:10] The Result of Fermenting Cruciferous
- [34:09] Countries that banned the use of Glyphosate
- [36:10] The Effects of Genetically Modified Seeds on the Earth
- [38:24] The Chronic Inflammation Epidemic
- [40:03] How much Genetically Engineered Produce is in the Market?
- [46:39] The Resurgence of Nitrogen-Fixing Agents
- “People are smart. The problem is they don’t understand the need for avoiding the toxic chemicals in everything that they do. We have to always think about safety first because there are so many chemicals we’re putting out into the environment with inadequate study. We don’t realize how toxic these things can be.”
- “Fermentation is complicated because it can actually introduce new metabolites that could be toxic. But it also takes away metabolites that are toxic. Things are not toxic if your livers are working. Enzymes in the liver are crucial for metabolizing many of these complex molecules that are made by these microbes, and so it becomes liver toxic if the liver can’t use those enzymes to break it down.”
- “As you’re not being poisoned, your body can handle things like sunlight very well and use it to its advantage to using it as a source of energy. But the things that you need to do that get messed up by the poisons, then it becomes toxic.”
- “Go buy organic and explain to your neighbors and relatives why they should also go buy organic and get them to do it.”
Guest Bio: Stephanie Seneff

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and MS, EE, and Ph.D. degrees from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur.
Since 2008, she has authored over three dozen peer-reviewed journal papers related to biochemistry and toxicology and has delivered numerous slide presentations at conferences around the world. She is the author of a book on glyphosate, titled “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment,” which was released by Chelsea Green publishers on July 1, 2021. This book was selected by Kirkus Reviews as one of the best non-fiction books of 2021.