wild green ayurveda and prana

Wild Green Ayurveda and Prana, part 1
For the March Yogidetox I ate fruits and vegetables. Exclusively. I didn’t add salt. Or spice. My palette became simple. For the May Yogidetox I ate wild greens 3 times a day (with other foods). My palette became wild (uncultivated). From these 2 experiences, I’ve noticed I can taste wild nutrients. Food from the store makes me feel one way… food from the woods and I’m a whole other animal. Literally. Read on to find out how this could make a huge difference in optimizing your energy.
From this experience, I can tell you that wild greens, like sweet cicely have exponentially more prana and nutrients than the greens you can purchase in the store. At this point your palette is probably too cultivated to appreciate the prana and the nutrients in wild greens.
Eating Green and Prana
How do you source your prana? Prana is the cosmic energy of consciousness that comes through the leaves of the trees into your body. You breathe in prana. You also eat prana in your foods. As your foods have more prana… you become more alive. You need less food.
Wild greens have more absorbable prana than any other food group category. Our red blood cells pick up and carry oxygen. In Sanskrit this action is called jivana, or carrying life. The hemoglobin molecule and chlorophyll molecule from eating leafy greens is essential the same, except the central element. Hemoglobin is built around iron (red). Chlorophyll is built around magnesium (green). The energetic exchange is where red becomes green and green becomes red.
As I prepare for my first (American) PanchaKarma, a fellow Yoga teacher sent me the link to your website. Congratulations! You have a contagious energy!
Nathalie Keiller - www.natk.ca
The people in my community who are on the cleanse are already buzzing and everyone is talking about it. I can’t wait to see what unfolds from here.
Natalie Rousseau - www.pacificelements.ca
“The course was great for me – especially the reminder to slow down, enjoy growing a baby, feed it well, and ask for help! I tried no wheat/sugar for a while and kept up with yoga, some meditation (still a challenge for me to fit that in), and exercise. I felt very mobile, light, and energized throughout most of my pregnancy – even did the swim leg of a triathlon at 30 weeks. I think the third was the easiest pregnancy, birth, and recovery”
“What I got most out of this course was compassion for myself and my body following birth. Acknowledgement of the profundity of the first 6 months after birth. Due to the course I experienced expanded joy, and increased pleasure in having a child. Another benefit I never would have predicted was the expanded strength resulting in willingness to advocate for changes at work that allowed for increased bonding time between me and my child during the first 6 months following birth.”
“The Mamabirthing course has been a great support for me personally in my pregnancy and postpartum time. The biggest gift in all of these audios is the postpartum resources. I’ve passed along quite a lot of the postpartum info in my prenatal yoga classes. Thanks for creating a course for women who love yoga to go deep into the motherhood journey.”
Kate Miller, founder of Red Moon Yoga in Washington, D.C.
“Taking the Mamabirthing course with Cate was an amazing experience that changed how I think about the journey to motherhood. Having taught prenatal yoga for 10 years and being a mom myself, I thought I knew a bit about it. But learning about Ayurveda for me took the yoga off the mat into the kitchen, and taught me ways moms-to-be can use food to support themselves and their growing baby – in and out of the belly! Cate’s course inspired me to study more with her and I continue to learn and practice. Most of all, it helped me understand better what it means to line up with the bigger energies and rhythms of the day, of the seasons, and of our bodies so we can be more powerful participants in our life-long dance of co-creation. I now have jars of grains and beans and herbs, and I actually know how to use them – both for delicious meals and to improve the health of my family. Thank you Cate, not only for your boundless knowledge, but for your generosity in sharing it, and your wisdom in understanding exactly how to help moms and moms-to-be feel energized and balanced during this wonderful, ever-changing time of life!”
Jessica Jennings, founder of www.MaYoga.com, teacher of prenatal yoga teachers, Los Angeles - www.MaYoga.com
“This course might help women see the subtle, gentle things a woman can do to help create the best baby body possible. It could open a woman up to the subtle body relationship as well (great meditations). It really, really tuned me into the reality that it is not just Mama to Baby relational flow, but it is really Universe to Mama to Baby. Much, much better way to feel (having had a tough postpartum myself 7 years ago).”
Laura Smith, CAP, LMP Ayurvedic Health Center
“The Business Club plays the woven edge of consciousness and business;a place of self discovery and exploring your dharma. Like yoga, business skills are a practice, for which we need a teacher. Cate guided me to a new level of self awareness and practicality. I clarified my intentions and learned business skills to enhance my classes and workshops; synching up with the new economy."
Sarah Hutchinson - www.sarahhutchinsonyoga.com
“I was really able to clearly articulate my vision and the various steps that I can take in that direction, now, today. It doesn’t have to be something that I put o! until…after the kids are grown, after I go to school, after…I can take steps now.By wanting to wait until I know more I was being selfish and only prolonging the hold society and employment have on me – working too much, not enough time for me or my studies or my business…not making the money I am worth, not helping others by sharing my knowledge.”
Liz Heyliger
"I feel like this shift is really big and exciting. I am so glad I signed up for the 1-1 work in the Business Course."
Suzanne Lynch - http://saratogaspringsyoga.com
"Cate’s business course delivers. It is loaded with highly practical content and deep work all geared towards supporting you to evolve your business. Through this course I have gained clarity around who I can best support and how to best serve them. I now have a clear vision and actionable steps of how to direct my energy and resources to grow my impact and income. Thanks Cate!"
Kate Towell - www.katetowell.com
“I got enough support with the avatar/niche work early on, and pushed myself to incorporate more online technology such that I was able to support 45 students in my spring training course – I figure that this course enabled me to recruit more students than I would have otherwise and thus paid for the course.”
Charlotte Clews - http://wildopenheart.com
“Great call today. Really helped me to get unblocked in some areas regarding money. And not that I’m inclined to believe in “signs” but right after we hung up I checked the mail and my provisional counseling license was there. I might actually getting hooked up to the right pipeline after all!”
Sara McKeown - www.saramckeown.com
I’ve wanted to learn about Ayurveda for a long time but never knew when or how or how it could fit into my life and work. I feel confident about you being one of my people because all I am learning from you makes so much sense, like when I started my studies in yoga, it all just melted into my cells with so much ease, it felt like I was just uncovering a great well of knowledge that lay within me already, tapping into the universal wisdom that lies within us all. I have been calling for a teacher for some time and I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to learn from you. With deepest gratitude and much love.
Branka (Australia)
I have continued to benefit from your generous sharing and I want to thank you for that, not only for the content of the material you give but also for your attitude.
Warmly, Virginia (USA)
What I received in Cate’s Course far exceeded my expectations: a profound inner-shift and wisdom to last a lifetime. I’ve enrolled for a second time; it’s that good…
Marc Holzman (France)
Cate, in every contact I have with you, you make my life better. Thanks for the call — and the inspiration.
Marial Shea (Canada)
The eat green challenge has been life-changing for me. After 2 weeks on Mega Shift and 1 week on Gentle Shift, I feel fantastic, learned a lot and became more aware of my body's energies!!! I would sign up for Eat green 2 in a moment. My deep gratitude to Desiree Rumbaugh and Cate Stillman for their guidance, generosity and enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I am not saying goodbye, I hope the Facebook group will continue to be active. There are more good changes to come, more discoveries to be made.
Natasha Kulikow
I also want to thank Cate and Desiree immensely. Just back from my Vermont Vacation here where I made green smoothies everyday for myself AND my hosts. Even grandma was drinkin up the green! I felt excellent and full of energy every day of my trip. Connecting with the glorious green nature of VERMONT made the whole experience even more magical. What a fantastic jump start to the rest of my life.
Dee Feleskey Bell
I feel like I am making a long term shift to making vaggies and fruit the mainstay of my diet. I've never been able to do that with cleansing because I've felt deprived, This month, I have focused more on adding rather than deleting. Feels like it will stick.
Alexandra Biondo Strickland
I've got my 3 year old taking the simple herbs like you recommended. Her runny nose cleared up - and the bumps on her skin which have been there forever are going away. Thanks for showing me why this is happening and what I can do about it. How empowering to know this as a mom and be able to teach it to my older kids.
Jonathan K, yoga instructor, Toronto, CA
You explained so clearly my kid's constitution and now we both know how to help her navigate her teen years more skillfully. She is committed to the changes that will clear up her skin. I'm so glad to be able to help her instead of turning to medication.
Jane L., yoga mom, Australia
Healthier Kids is the best online class I've ever taken. I can see my kid so much more clearly now - in terms of what creates issues and what can help. I can't thank you enough as he'll grow up with this wisdom and never need to learn it on his own!
Joannie, yoga instructor, England
I just wanted to tell you that I so enjoyed the Healthier Kids workshop. I watched via the video from upstate NY and learned SO much great info.
Amber H., NY, USA
"It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada and I just wanted to say thanks for being such a positive influence in my life this last year. I’ve been away in Montreal visiting my family and studying with Paul Muller and so missed the first couple weeks of the Mentors, and the LAC, but have been listening to the calls and am so incredibly inspired. I love that I get to be part of all three of the convos you are heading up this year and am amazed at how fluent you are in each area. The people in my community who are on the cleanse are already buzzing and everyone is talking about it. I can’t wait to see what unfolds from here. I’ll be on the Mentors call live this Thursday and every Thursday from here on out.Sending love and deep appreciation your way."
Natalie Rousseau-Horscroft, E-RYT500 Anusara Inspired™ Yoga Teacher - www.pacificelements.ca
"Cate Stillman is bringing the Ayurveda perspectives on health and living to the masses. Her website has a plethora of blogs, videos, audios, and trainings that provide practical tools for staying well in our lives. Cate recently spoke at The Revolutionary Living Telesummit on the topic of “Taking a Stand for Complete Wellness…Not Just the Absence of Disease” and her words offered a whole new world of possibilities for members of our audience who may feel stuck in their health journey. She is an eloquent speaker providing very practical content and tools to her audience so they can go home and make shifts in their lives immediately. Her message offers a truly revolutionary perspective and approach to life, health, and complete wellbeing. I am so grateful for the lens she brings to the world and to our community at The Revolutionary Living Telesummit.Tessa Chittle, Health & Wellness Revolutionary The Revolutionary Living Institute."
Tessa Chittle, Health & Wellness Revolutionary, The Revolutionary Living Institute - www.revolutionarylivinginstitute.com
"I have just spent an hour exploring your website, listening to some of your videos, and reading your bio. I am so happy for our planet that people like you not only exist, but step forward, educate themselves, and share. Thank you very much! I have been following Ayurveda since 2000 and am now studying the long-distance course with Dr. Frawley. As I prepare for my first (American) PanchaKarma, a fellow Yoga teacher sent me the link to your website. Congratulations! You are beautiful and have contagious energy!"
Nathalie Keiller - www.natk.ca
Mamabirthing let me in on the conversation of women taking charge of their health and their babies health, instead of going with the flow like a lemming. What a gift.
Sara Gilbert, GIS profession, mother of 2
Cate, in every contact I have with you, you make my life better. Thanks for the call — and the inspiration.
Marial Shea (Canada)
I feel like this shift is really big and exciting. I am so glad I signed up for the 1-1 work in the Business Course.
Suzanne Lynch
Cate – You are rocket fuel with yogic flavoring.
Rachel Resnick WritersonFire.com
"Great call today. Really helped me to get unblocked in some areas regarding money. And not that I'm inclined to believe in "signs" but right after we hung up I checked the mail and my provisional counseling license was there. I might actually be getting hooked up to the right pipeline after all!"
Sara McKeown
“I got enough support with the avatar/niche work early on, and pushed myself to incorporate more online technology such that I was able to support 45 students in my spring training course - I figure that this course enabled me to recruit more students than I would have otherwise and thus paid for the course.”
Charlotte Clews
"The Business Club plays the woven edge of consciousness and business; a place of self discovery and exploring your dharma. Like yoga, business skills are a practice, for which we need a teacher. Cate guided me to a new level of self awareness and practicality. I clarified my intentions and learned business skills to enhance my classes and workshops; synching up with the new economy. Sarah Hutchinson, www.sarahhutchinsonyoga.com
Sarah Hutchinson
"I was really able to clearly articulate my vision and the various steps that I can take in that direction. Now. Today. It doesn't have to be something that I put off until...after the kids are grown, after I go to school, after...I can take steps now.By wanting to wait until I know more I was being selfish, and only prolonging the hold society and employment have on me - working too much, not enough time for me or my studies or my business...not making the money I am worth, not helping others by sharing my knowledge." Suzanne Lynch: owner http://www.saratogaspringsyoga.com
Liz Heyliger
Hey Cate - I just wanted to let you know that I got your Good Morning Yogis book and it’s great! Stella and I read it together and then she read the whole thing to Brian. She got pretty sick earlier this winter after refusing to take heed of my recommendations (they do that at 8!), so now she’s a bit more interested in taking care of her health. Thanks again for all you are doing. You rock! xoxo Alex
Alexandra Strickland
The link I see to your work, Cate, is that people need new ways of nourishing and care for themselves to prepare for and build the capacities and navigate the new world and what it is calling on them to do – to be ready and prepare to live in such a shifting world. I sense that in order for people to learn the new ways and capacities of seeing, letting go, creating space, choosing the new, etc. there is a great need for supporting “health” work. That’s where you come in.
Rhonda La Croix
Cate- Just want you to know how brilliant you are and what a DEEP contribution you are making to our world. Your esoteric and applied knowledge are a powerful current I love to ride. Love,
Sarah H - Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher
Now, plants that are healthier and happier (yes, plants do have emotions) have better quality and more quantity of prana. Your experience of energy and life force can be greatly enhanced by better quality and more quantity of prana. Which means plants. Spend more time in the woods (or just outside when your air quality is good). Bring plants into your home. Be conscious of the plants your spending time with… and you’ll notice they are sentient.
The best I can understand it is that the plant is transferring it’s own bhavana to you. It’s life experience becomes your life experience. Where I live in Teton Basin, right below the Grand Teton, plants have an intense, hardy, and exquisite life. When I breath and eat them, this is the quality of the prana that they transfer into my blood… into my tissue.. into my thoughts and emotions.
When I eat hydroponic greens from the store.. they taste bland, cultivated, and don’t have anywhere near the intensity of energy. The
same goes for organic kale from Mexico. Everyday, I become more convinced, from the inside out, that the key to optimizing health has everything to do with literally becoming one with our ecosystem. And, as that happens we awaken to our authentic nature.
If you want to get this inside out… join us Saturday for the Raw Food & Yoga Workshop in Driggs, Idaho. I’ll be teaching with chef Tanya Alexander. Save your seat and your investment will pay you back as your grocery bill shrinks! If you’re not local, you can take the Eat Green Challenge with me and Desiree.
For Cate’s Healthier Kids Workshop: Click Here
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Uncle Aidan
Posted at 23:43h, 05 AugustWow amazing article!! So awesome there’s other people out there who know this rare wisdom. Wild food is the most high energy vibration for sure. I try to eat as much wild as possible which is often 100% for months straight. Puts me on a whole new level of consciousness and makes my dreams more vivid. I’m addicted to the energy and dislike farmed food energy. Not sure exactly why the difference is so intense but plants definitely have emotions