Ground Rules for Mentoring

As my gift to you this holiday season me and my team created new tip sheets. I’ve received emails that these are posted on fridges around the world. I’m thankful it’s simple to share connectivity wisdom easily around the planet these days. Here’s one for Mentors/Mentees.
You may also download the printable version here.
Lean in together
Commit to engage. If we lean in – we can decide what we are doing together. Create a relationship agreement.
Most mentorships arise naturally. Give a name to your conversations. Give a space and time. Give your relationship a rhythm to thrive. Your desires engender sparkle.
Sparkle or fizzle
Attend to the flame of what connects you. When you attend to the flame, your attention sparks the flame. What sparks your attention? What is sparky for you? Attend your inner spark and you attend your ability to thrive.
Be ready for action
Don’t dawdle – it’s boring to mentor a dawdler.
It’s equally boring to be mentored by a dawdler. The evolving version of ourselves is much more interesting.
Give to receive with your ears.
Pulsation is the nature of relationship.
For something or someone to be in relationship a polarity established itself. With polarity comes the twin powers of rebound and leverage. The more you can rebound your energy and focus, the more energy and focus you have to leverage. Without pulsation there is stagnation. The fastest path to get your relationship basking in pulsation is to give to receive. Give your attention, your listening.
Honesty, Care & Humility are the name of the game
Honesty is high strength liquid fire starter for relationships. Without it, fizzle happens. No one wants to spend time with arrogance. With humility, you don’t need to know what you haven’t already learned. Humility opens the gateway to learning. Showing or articulating your care for the partnership adds grease to the wheels. Decide which of these 3 you are working on & start working on it.
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