The Family Cleanse

Yesterday, I hosted a one hour call with three moms whose kids want to cleanse. Listen (with your kids is great) to inspire a family cleanse.
Kids who want to Cleanse – 60 minute session
Download the audio here.
Audio PlayerWhy kids need to cleanse
Once upon a time, long long ago, the human species acted like the other mammals. They ate wild fruits, leaves, berries, nuts, and critters big and small. Then one day came the magnificent industrial revolution. Instead of eating food from nature, the humans started to design unnatural foods which were oh so addictive.
The baby and child humans also became addicted to these foods and forgot that food comes from plants, primarily. Families need to cleanse to reawaken this inner wisdom, together. Kids needs to cleanse to awaken their taste buds to what nutrient-rich foods taste like.
The benefits of a Family Cleanse
- Prevent winter colds, flus, infections and allergies.
- Reset family habits and routines around bedtime and morning time in line with your core values.
- Reduce busyness in favor of quality time.
- Upgrade your kitchen in favor of real nutrients.
- Shift the family palette in favor of nutrient-rich plant-based foods.
- Release family addictions.
- Increase intimacy and connectivity throughout your clan.
- Collaborate on family wellness goals.
- Enhance connection with the inner joy and ease in life.
How to approach a family cleanse
Start with a conversation:
- Plan a family meeting. 30 minutes is plenty.
- Sit down and talk about where food used to come from and where it comes from now.
- Talk about having a healthy winter where no one gets snotty and sick. Review what happened health-wise last winter with the members of your clan.
- Have everyone articulate their goals and intentions for the upcoming season. With little kids you can help them with suggestions… “Do you want to be healthy to play outside this winter?” With teens, “do you want to be attractive with your inner beauty?”
- Talk about taking a break from the current status quo family habits for a brief period of time.
Your family cleanse is not just about food:
Cleansing isn’t just about changing what we eat. Although, we can all take a break from what we normally eat and drink. Changing our diets invites all sorts of emotional patterning to become exposed. If this is too much for your household, start with something easier. Here are some ideas:
- Go on a media fast. For one week in the fall and in the spring, don’t take in media, except for work during working hours. the vibe in the house will change from plugged in to unplugged. Check it out and report back what shifts occurred.
- Go on a natural light rejuvenation. For one week in the fall and spring, use candles after dinner. You’ll naturally go to bed earlier and boost your immune system.
- Go on a one week buying fast. Eat the food in your garden and cupboards. Make do. Live without money for a week and watch your resourcefulness awaken. Teach your kids to be resourceful – to look for creative solutions to their desires.
Remember: Download the audio for a hit of inspiration!
Kids who want to Cleanse – 60 minute session
Download the audio here.
Cate hosts a live yogidetox each spring and fall. The yogidetox online course is always available for when your family is ready for a wellness upgrade.
For Cate’s Healthier Kids Workshop: Click Here
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