The Power of Functional Medicine Interconnectedness (Tracy Harrison)
In Podcasts, Pro Healer
The pandemic has caused numerous people to fall into stress and anxiety patterns. I talked to Tracy Harrison about how functional medicine can help you ease your mind and boost your immune system.
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to shift from a fast-paced living easily
- How to change your eating habits
- How your stress level impacts your immune system
Links Mentioned in Episode:
- Get the free intermittent fasting tipsheet
- Get the allergy relief course
- Get free Yogahealer resources
Show Highlights:
- Cate shares how hard it is for some people to change their habits
- Cate explains how stress affects the immune system
- Cate talks about her experience with regional immunity
- 04:40 Changing your societal habits
- 14:20 How diet influences your health
- 27:56 Anxiety and the immune system
- 40:46 Developing regional immunity