[Vision Quest] Schedule Your Clairvoyance

In the last post I started the story of the October Yogidetox Vision Quest weekend with Winston.
When we emerge from a reset experience like the Yogidetox, we have a new momentum. We have clear vision. We know what habits we want to keep up. We know which habits we want to shape us. When we do this with other people we can support each other’s momentum.
You know how good you can feel.
You know what to do to feel your own greatest, your own clarity, and to build deeper strength.
This is why I encourage building a bi-annual habit of detoxing.
Whether you do that on your own or with our tribe, either way, I hope you schedule it in right now.
The next live Yogidetox led by me is April 11- May 2.
Like I said, whether you’re coming with me or not, I hope you take a moment right now to crack your calendar six months into the future and schedule your next evolution.
This too is a habit.
A planning habit.
You can schedule you next level of clairvoyance.
Of power.
Of evolution.
This is the “Schedule Your Evolution” habit.
I double dog dare you to do it now.
My big big big aha during the October Yogidetox with you all is that… :
The Yogidetox is a perfect setup for a Vision Quest. You already have access to deep insight during the Yogidetox process.
What if you got off your own beaten path?
What is you found your very own secret spot to unwind your patterned self even deeper?
What if you found a sacred spot to invest deep time in you?
This is what happened to Winston and I.
We got off our own beaten path.
We ventured into the dunes.
I led him through a specific process I’ve learned, studied, applied for years. And we adjusted it Yogidetox Vision Quest Style.And guess what?
It worked.
By combining the process of physical pattern releasing, habit and palette and cellular awakening with a specific, short, potent conversational exercises we set the stage to deeply disrupt old patterns in thinking. He intuited the next vision of his life’s work and his work lifestyle. He could clearly witness and receive the nature of his next possible reality. And it’s too cool for school. And dead on. Accurate. True. Real. Deep. Aligned soul potential.
The reason we become clairvoyant during detoxing is the same reason people historically fast during a vision quest. There are physiological conditions for mental clarity. When you generate these physiological conditions… you receive power-packed insights.
We’re going to leverage that we’re already in a detox process… and set aside some time to go into visionary mode.
Next April, I’ll lead you through a series of short, potent exercises to
assess, let go, and receive your next vision.
The Vision Quest process I’ll be guiding you through isn’t traditional.
It’s innovative.
If any word describes experiences I create for course members, that word would be in “innovative.”
You might as well see when you are at your most clear.
Be the time we get into the Vision Quest part… you’l be hydrated, lubricated and oxygenated. You’ll be ripe for deep investigation, … questing.
You’ll be available for profound life-enhancing insight.
You’ll have the time and space carved out to receive the insight.
You’ll be guided by me through the process, to put insight into action. You’ll release + receive the vision + the vibration of your next self-invention. Guaranteed. Seriously. Guaranteed. Before reading further…
Take a moment.
Where would you go for a few days to be with you?
Where is drawing you?
Get out your calendar. Plug it in.
Winston is a fairly private person. I’m allowed to take a few pics a year for Yogahealer of him.
This is sort of difficult because I have a lifestyle career. And he’s been part of my life since before Yogahealer in 2001. We’ve been together for 20 years. Anyone who has lived with someone for 20 years (let alone 50!) has hopefully been able to support, assist, and occasionally guide that person through evolutions.
You may know the axiom, “Grow or die!”. So it is, and at times our growth is so slow, like a tree in deep winter. The sap is flowing, but most of the energy is in the core, and in conversation mode.
Then spring comes. And growth is unleashed.
In this way we want to align. We want to look to the annual cycle, and calendar in our own evolutions. If we live with others, and we want to grow together, to thrive together, we schedule in our sessions for growth and realignment. We do rituals that allow outdated patterns to die. To create room for vision.
If we’re deeply aligned, we schedule in quests for the next level of our self.
This is the heart of a growth pattern.
Crisis are circumvented by ritual-based growth.
We realign.
We revision.
We get who we want to become next.
We align our actions.
And, we get to experienced aligned action into pure potentiality.
(If we don’t, we can easily end up overscheduled, overwhelmed, and not stoked to wake up each morning and live into the mysteries of the day head. While it may be a way to live, it’s no way to thrive.)
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