Winning tactics for Intentional Creating of Your Dream Lifestyle
Ashley Logsdon, creator and author of “Mama Says Namaste” podcast, has lived on the road in an RV with her husband, their 3 children, and their dog since 2016. The traditional lifestyle was not suiting them and they decided that now was the time to follow their hearts and do something different. Ashley and l chat about what it looks like to intentionally create the life you desire to live and the feelings you desire to have, right now. Ashley brings up a question that makes us think about our life paths, “Why do we have to wait for ‘one day’ for these feelings to happen? Why can’t we choose to create experiences that allow for these feelings now? “ Listen in to this podcast and learn about what it looks like to take small steps of intention everyday in the direction of your dreams. Discover what your triggers are that make you react in certain ways, learn what values you hold high and how to live up to those values. Life isn’t based on who you have been, but instead on who you are and what you are choosing to do with your life, now.
I rap with Ashley Logsdon about creating the life you love:
- Create your own reality and live your own unique life journey
- Functional education, a life-long learning approach without strict parameters on how, where, or from who we can learn
- Personality profiles and DISC; learn who you are, how you learn, and your unique strengths
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- Understand your unique value- Are you living in alignment with your own unique value code?
- How you can grow, learn, and be inspired by anyone of any age
- How to intentionally create the life you want to live, now.
Show Highlights:
- 2:25- Ashley and I chat about Ashley’s family and their life on the road since 2016. She discusses how to be intentional about creating the life you want to live, now.
- 13:00- Understanding our unique values and codifying our code within our clans. Learn to live in alignment with your own value code within your family and friend groups.
- 23:05- Personal Profiling; learning who you are, your unique strengths, what kind of learner you are, and what values you hold high. Learn why these things are so important and helpful for us to understand in order to thrive.
Favorite Quotes:
- “We support each other’s growth path… You don’t need to be who you were yesterday for me.” – Cate Stillman
- “Sometimes the best way you can support and encourage one another is by backing off and giving space for them to grow process and develop into who they can be.” – Ashley Logsdon
- “They [her kids] have the power to learn from a 2 year old and an 82 year and everyone else in between.” – Ashley Logsdon
Guest BIO:
Ashley takes families from surviving to thriving by helping them uncover how “the uniqueness in each of us strengthens all of us”. She guides parents through identifying their strengths – and also their triggers – to live with intention and not simply the reaction to the chaos of an ever-growing family. Through her podcast, blogging, coaching and personality “snapshots”, she provides tools and action steps to aid families in creating a life they love to come home to.
Ashley, her husband (and podcast co-host), three unschooling daughters, and dog have been RVing the States full-time since 2016. They focus on authenticity, awareness, and embracing love in the present moment. Connect with Ashley on her facebook page or on her website.