Ayurveda Daily Practices for Mothers of Young Children

My experience with spiritual and bodily practices and raising a baby led me to believe that motherhood needs it’s own daily practices guidelines.
Expect household rhythms to change… frequently.
Don’t try to live up to standards and assumptions created my men living in caves, who had women cooking their meals. They don’t apply to you. Sleeping and waking rhythms with your child may frequently change. Don’t get attached to how things should be, or think you have it nailed. If it changes tomorrow and you can be present,flexible and connected, that is most important.
Focus on 1-5 minute practices.
You’ll receive some benefit. Frequency is more important than duration. One minute practices include: 1 minute pranayama. 3 sun salutations. 1 minute meditation. 1 minute jumping jacks. 1 minute “ahhh” exhalations. 1 minute body scan. 1 minute jog around the house, inside or out.
Bath Daily, preferable in the a.m.
This might be more important than other more “spiritual” practices. Bathing refreshes your spirit and helps those with sleep deprivation feel more connected. Rub oil all over your body before, during or after you bathe/shower.
Go to bed early. No exemptions
That said, train the household to go to bed early. Rest when tired. Create a relaxing evening routine starting with an early dinner for everyone. Don’t delay dinner to eat together. You’ll get cranky and burden your digestion.
Don’t judge. Don’t compare.
Don’t judge yourself or compare yourself to other yogis or other families. Support other moms with encouragement, not comparison. Raising babies into children can be a very challenging passage for mothers. Be gentle with yourself and mothers worldwide.
Easy to digest food
The more stress or fatigue you feel, the more soupy or stew-like your diet should be. Make a pot of soup, a batch of kitchari, or a pitcher of green smoothies or a living soup. Stock your house with seasonal fruit in abundance.
Think ahead.
Cook in the morning as much as possible. Eat the same thing for lunch and dinner to make life easier. Write out a very simple and recyclable weekly menu plan on the weekend. Post it to the fridge so you don’t use your creative juice for daily sustenance…unless you have that extra energy.
Prepare your family’s food.
As much as possible, cook your own food. Use tools like rice cookers and crock pots to make it easier to plan ahead. Don’t buy stuff you don’t want your family to eat.
Eat early with the children.
Don’t delay your meal to eat with your partner. Feed yourself early, when you can digest and be
grounded for a relaxing evening. Make dinner and after a connective family time. As children get older, play a game. Relax.Enjoy each other + this precious lie.. Unplug.
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Posted at 15:13h, 04 AprilI really needed to read this! Thx so much. This website is my new best friend!
Baby asleep on my now numb left arm, loving motherhood and loving your advice to just chill, don’t judge – and be a force to be reckoned with! Hugs!