Ayurveda Guidelines for Summer
By Cate Stillman

Summer is about anomalies. Nature is going off and generating obscene amounts of edibles which will cool your body and sweeten your tissues. The greens keep you cool. The sweet juicy fruits, and even veggies like zucchini and peas start to roll in to give you quick energy for the long days. If you eat heavier meats, grains, nuts, and non-local dairy in summer you’ll clog your channels. You can get allergies or overheat. Don’t do that.
Your strategy for summer is simple. Eat obscene amounts of what Nature is giving. This is green, green, and more green. And lots of sweet fruits and veggies. Print the sheet for your Focus and your Food. Then share the love on Facebook with your yoga comrades.
Print and post to your fridge. All the cool yoga junkies are doing it.
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