Diagnose yourself holistically

Not so long ago, in a land quite near, doctors used to gather clues as to the nature of the disease by reading the body like a book. The doctor would look at your tongue, smell your breath, feel your pulse, look in your eyes, feel your skin. Before doctors, healers and mothers did the same. Vaidya, the word for healer/doctor in ancient India translates to “one who knows.” Knows what? Knows what is happening within the body and mind.
How to diagnose your symptoms:
You can learn how to read your body like a book. Like learning to read, you just can’t pick up the book and expect comprehension. First, you learn your letters. Learning your letters is a process of noticing that which is always there. Learning to read is interpreting what it all means. Start with your Tongue.
Diagnose Your Tongue first.
The first place to start is to stick out your tongue and look in the morning first thing in the morning. Before brushing. Before eating. Look for these 5 things:
- What color is your tongue? Is it pink? It is pale? Is it bright red? Is it blotchy?
- Is your tongue oily or dry?
- Is there a coating on your tongue? Thick or thin?
- Is the outer edge of your tongue ridged or smooth?
- Is your tongue calm or jumpy?
Bowel Problems – are they an issue?
The next place to go is the toilet. Check out what comes out of you:
- When do you go? Morning? After lunch? A few times a day? A few times a week? So much valuable information right here.
- Now, how about texture. Is it hard? Is it soft? Formed? Loose?
- Ooh, and color. Is it dark brown? Light brown? More yellow/green?
- Does it flow out easy or more of a daily struggle?
Every quality creates a more clear picture of what is arising within you.
Diagnose Your Skin
Your outer protective layer is an indicator of your lymph system, which is a large part of your immune system. What is your skin telling you today? Check these 5 issues.
- Is it oily? Is it dry?
- Are you warm or cool to the touch?
- Does your skin angry with issues like psoriasis, eczema, acne, itching, rashing?
- Does your skin have opposite qualities?
- Does your skin feel well touched and familiar, or distant and unappreciated?
Gaze in the mirror
Just take a moment and softly gaze in the mirror. Turn off the inner critic. Turn on the witness perspective. Take stock.
- Do you look uplifted? Do you look depressed? Do you look calm? Do you look stressed?
- Do you look tired? Do you look well-rested?
- Are you aging or rejuvenating (becoming young again)?
Give yourself a smile. Good job!
Of course, we could go on and examine our body odor, our finger nails, the irises of our eyes, our urine and ear wax, but lets just leave
it with these four biggies. Each morning this week, before your imbibe, take stock: tongue, poop, skin, gaze. A daily check in to awaken your ability to see; to build a routine around noticing. If you have children at home, invite them into their own inquiry. Compare tongues. Take notes and you’ll get a glimpse into the detail the body is offering you.
Bring your notes next week and we’ll decode the letters into words that tell the inside story. And, if you like knowing yourself in this way, you’re going to love my Ayurvedic Living Course!
For Cate’s Healthier Kids Workshop: Click Here
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