[The Yogi’s Guide] to Stuff Your Should have at Home

What are the Top 10 things that I use everyday that most people don’t? I made the list of stuff I rely on every day to have a day packed with thrive. It’s not that I couldn’t live without this stuff. Everyday is better with these particular amazing things in my life.
Drumroll, please….
The Top 10 Things I use everyday, in order of appearance:
* Note: #1 isn’t better than #10. I simply use it earlier in the day.
Right when I wake up, I hydrate to detox the main channel. Yogis of yore named the great eating, digesting and pooping channel the maha vaha srota. Literally, that means “the great carrying channel.” What that channel carries is more obvious than some channels.
The squatty potty recently made famous by the unicorn pooping ice-cream youtube video (insert link) is my potty stool of choice. I’m not a born squatter, so squatting on the toilet rim for an aligned, complete bowel movement isn’t going to happen. However, in a pinch, any stool or little bathroom trash can turned on it’s side will do. I love being a pooping champion with 18” eliminations before kicking my day into high gear.
While many of these tools are common, few people actually use them. I’m a religious dry brusher. I’ve used abrasive cloths, dry brush and in a pinch my bare hands. Energetically scrub your exterior, awaken your skin and get your lymph humming. This simple detox move gets you sparky and kicks off a day of anti-stagnation.
I grow food year round, indoors or outdoors. We use a Tower Garden during the winter in Mexico. In Idaho, we plant growboxes, a greenhouse and a few beds. I like eating close to home.
Many people have a foam roller, but how many people use them? I do. Foam rolling is a great way to end the day. Foam rolling is the thrifty woman’s massage tool – the most effecitve at-home practice for self-myofascial release. This is a fancy way of saying, roll out your yoga mat, and get on the floor with a foam roller. You’ll loosen tight connective tissue which frees your flexibiity and mobiliity, releasing lactic acid, increases blood flow, and preventing injuries. Get down with your foam roller before bed.
foam roller
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