Yogahealer Immune Resilience Manifesto

I wrote a manifesto, So can you
Writing a manifesto is something I recommend. I wrote this one for immune resilience. I got tired of trying to explain how susceptibility, inflammation, resilience, body wisdom, daily habits and the immune system operate.
So, I wrote a manifesto.
Here it is:
Immune resilience is a skill, an inside job, every person should master for themselves.
Train your mind to build immune resilience.
Breath with skill and effort.
Build your hunger.
Feast smarter with nutrient density.
Seek out people with smarter bodies.
Avoid pessimism.
Start where you are, now.
Learn how to organize your body through breath and movement.
Focus on your natural ability, nature’s ability, to heal.
Explore the root cause of your challenges.
Get better at being in your body.
Develop stronger nerves.
Be the champion of your own progress.
Believe in you… ultimately your immune power depends on it.
Instigate your progress with small actions (kaizen).
Remember, better habits lead to better health, no matter how bad your habits or how bad your condition.
Avoid wallowing.
Perfectionism is a mental obstruction to better habits.
Good habits are a skill.
The healing mindset of taking action is a skill, not a lucky disposition.
There is no such thing as an easy healing journey. Or a fast healing journey.
People who have become their own healer would never trade the pain of their journey for the lessons learned.
All medical or holistic wellness opinions are not equal. Pay attention to people with smarter body wisdom.
A resilient immune system is a choice.
You become your own healer when you learn from your body.
Choose your body first, every time.
I think you should write a manifesto. You can make it a personal manifesto for yourself.
- What do you believe?
- What is evident to you, you wish were evident to the world?
- What do you believe for yourself?
- What truths have you discovered that you absolutely need to live by?
There you go. You have the start of a manifesto.
Now, we can help you make it real.
Join the Challengers. Our second flight starts on New Year’s Day. We’re having a blast, discovering the powers within the human being. It has everything to do with your healing manifesto. Resetting metabolism. Digesting what you can’t bring with you into 2021. Getting the right start for the year of potential.
Change Your Life
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