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Do you know the #1 Habit from Ayurveda that will guarantee you: You will wake up with more energy You won’t have a puffy face in the morning You will...

I’ve been so focused on the new tip sheets I haven’t had the time to share my top podcat for the month. This December, Alejandro, my podcast curator found these...

As my gift to you this holiday season me and my team created new tip sheets. I’ve received emails that these are posted on fridges around the world. I’m thankful...

I'm often told that I recommend a new book to a friend with every conversation. I'm sure it's true. I'm an avid reader/audible listener. My favorite gift to give is a...

Tips for all intergenerational relationships - including for grandkids and grandparents. Intergenerational friendships offer unique benefits. Inspiration and risk-taking from the young pair exquisitely with weathered by experience from elders. Enlightening...

Last week was just plain weird. I know emotions are still reeling. I'm hoping our inner activist takes upon more local and communal responsibility for creating the world we want...