Your Energy, Your Hormones, and Ayurvedic Wisdom (Part 2)
In preparation for the upcoming Healthier Hormones course, Cate chats with Dr. Claudia Welch about women’s energy and hormones from an Ayurvedic perspective. In Part 2 of this 3 part series, Cate and Dr. C. discuss the early warning signs of hormone imbalance and what we can do to avoid or reverse disruption in the endocrine system. Thought creates biology. When we allow even small things to elicit a stress response, our hormones are thrown out of balance. Insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks are among the early warning signs of hormone imbalance. If hormone imbalance goes unchecked for a period of time, the hormone-producing glands and organs (the adrenals, the pancreas, the thyroid, and the reproductive organs) start to malfunction and the entire endocrine system is disrupted.
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One of the easiest ways to bring the hormones back into balance is to shift your day to day mindset from stress to ease. We can choose to be in tone with the universe or we can choose to be ruled by forces that motivate us to do more than we are capable of.
Listen the whole conversation and sign up for free 3 video series training here
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
- How to recognize the early warning signs of hormone imbalance.
- How to avoid or reverse disruption in the endocrine system.
- Why most of our stress is self-induced.
Links Mentioned in Episode:
Show Highlights:
- 1:37 – Thought creates biology. When we allow even small things to elicit a stress response, our hormones are thrown out of balance. Insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks are among the early warning signs of hormone imbalance. If hormone imbalance goes unchecked for a period of time, the hormone-producing glands and organs (the adrenals, the pancreas, the thyroid, and the reproductive organs) start to malfunction and the entire endocrine system is disrupted.
- 6:17 – One of the easiest ways to bring the hormones back into balance is to shift your day to day mindset from stress to ease. We can choose to be in tone with the universe or we can choose to be ruled by forces that motivate us to do more than we are capable of.
- 14:01 – There are times when we have little control over the stressors in our lives, but those times are the exception rather than the rule. Most of stress comes from choices we make for ourselves. If we choose not to do more than we are capable of, if we adopt practices that keep us in tone with the universe, we have more resilience in times of real crisis.
- 18:00 – It can be scary to slow down. We mistakenly believe that everything will fall apart if we slow down. We might even fear being faced with a sense of emptiness if we’re not constantly busy. But if we have the courage to make that shift, the result is a life that is fuller, richer, and sweeter than we could have imagined.
Listen the whole conversation and sign up for free 3 video series training here
Favorite Quotes:
- “Sometimes seeing and identifying and putting word on something can actually help us see what’s going on.” — Dr. Claudia Welch
- “[There are] karmic crunch times, or whatever you want to call them, where the world falls apart around you, and it’s tiresome. But so much . . . what we’re talking about here is the stuff we do to ourselves. — Dr. Claudia Welch
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Guest BIO:
Dr Claudia Welch is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an Āyurvedic practitioner and educator, and the author of several books including Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness Through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Western Science and, The Four Qualities of Effective Physicians: Practical Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Physicians. Dr. Welch lectures internationally on Oriental and Āyurvedic medicine, exploring how ideas in Eastern medicine apply to Women’s Health, and today’s reality in general. She has served on the teaching faculty of The Āyurvedic Institute, Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Southwest Acupuncture College, and Acupractice Seminars. She also, as demonstrated above, sometimes makes up statistics. But, when she does, readily admits it.
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