Who are you becoming?

To Start acting like the person you want to become:
Invoke the person you want to be.
Develop the habits this person would have.
Have the conversations that person would have.
Our conversations determine our reality.
We either have articulated or unspoken agreements in our core relationships. If the agreements are unspoken, they can quickly become outdated. If we’re operating on outdated, unspoken agreements the relationship isn’t as dynamic, inspired, evolutionary, supportive, or connective as it could/should be. When you take the time to step back, and consciously update your relationship agreements, you redefine your life, based on your current potential.
Do you need to have more nutritive relationships?
What does this mean to you right now?
How will new habits show up?
Having new habits means having new habits in many sectors in your life. Ask the future self you want to become what needs to shift in the following domains:
- with money
- in relationships
- with how you invest
- in what you take in through your 5 senses
- in your daily routines
Get clear. Listen. Be curious.
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