Teach your kids neti pot

Why your kids need to learn how to neti pot
Now more than ever kids need neti pots. Or rhino horns (the plastic version). The reason kids need to learn to use the neti pot more than ever now is because of:
- There is more processed foods in our diet
- There is more processed dairy in our diet
- Kids immune systems are weak due to lack of sleep
- Kids immune systems are weak due to EMF’s (electro magnetic frequency – cell phones, ipads, etc.)
Yoga Hygiene is simply better
Chances are as a kid YOU learned to take a bath and brush your teeth before bed. You learned hygiene skills from YOUR parents. Your kids learn hygiene from you. And if you’re reading my blog, chances are you do yoga. Yoga hygiene is a 5 kosha hygiene. As yogis, we do daily hygiene practices for 5 bodies, instead of 1. In yoga hygiene, we daily maintain:
- food body (eat local plants, daily oil massage)
- breath body (neti pot, exercise, breathing practices, yoga)
- mind body (breathing practices, meditation)
- intuitive body (breathing practices, meditation)
- bliss body (breathing practices, meditation)
You might notice from this list that breathing practices is high on the list. Anyone who has ever taught alternate nostril breathing in their yoga class knows how many people need a tissue. Our breath channels are clogged as a culture. If your breathing channels are clogged- your hygiene needs an overhaul. Start with the neti pot. Neti pot clears the mucus from high up in your nostrils releasing mucus from your sinuses. Watch Indy and check out how much mucus she got out. Mind you – she sounded stuffed up, but did NOT have a runny nose yet.
How to Neti
Get a rhino horn on amazon. Use the spoon in the box to measure your salt. You need to use the right amount of salt. The water should be as salted as tears. How poetic.
- Fill your pot with warm water and the right amount of salt.
- Shake.
- Tilt head so that your nose and crown line up on the horizontal axis.
- Turn your chin towards your shoulder. This prevents water from going into your sinuses.
- Lift pot to get gravity feed. Let water run through. If nostril is completely blocked, try the other side. Never force water through if you’re stuffed it. It will aggravate your body even more.
Advanced Neti Maneuver
I’m just talking to the pros here. If you’re a neti expert you probably already know this. But, I’ve met many a yogi who didn’t know this trick. If your channels are clear, block the nostril the water is flowing out of with your finger. Pull the water through your mouth and spit it out. There is often a little plug of ama between the nostrils and the mouth. Do on the other side. Soon you’ll be able to do this without your finger, you advanced yogi you.
Dry crusty noses?
Maybe your kids have more dryness issues than mucus issues. In this case, you need lube more than salt water. Simply have your kids lubricate their nostrils in the morning before school or at night before bed with oil. I use Sinus Lube. You can use that, or just start with the coconut or olive oil in your kitchen. Yes – there was a huge neti scare. Read about it. I’m not worried about it – but if you are – learn about it.
For Cate’s Healthier Kids Workshop: Click Here
Sarah Hutchinson
Posted at 23:38h, 21 SeptemberNot sure how that could be any more evolutionary, rad, not to mention exceptionally CUTE!!
As a Pediatric Nurse of 30+ years, my name is Sarah Hutchinson and I ENDORSE THIS VIDEO!
Love you Indy!
Cate Stillman
Posted at 23:42h, 21 SeptemberThanks, Sarah.
We did some cozy pranayama together before bed – the 4 year old version – Ah breaths. And then I told her a story of the princesses dog who knew the secret of the Ah breath.
Ok – off to the local Harvest Fest.
Laurie Greenberg
Posted at 12:42h, 22 SeptemberThis too cute!
Melanie Nash Muntifering
Posted at 17:39h, 24 Septemberoh my she is sooo big and cute love your videos. Keep going indy!
Posted at 20:09h, 30 AugustHow did you teach your daughter how to blow her nose?
Cate Stillman
Posted at 16:34h, 03 SeptemberShe just imitated what my husband was doing
Sinus Pot
Posted at 02:21h, 10 DecemberLove it!!!
Serena Cameron
Posted at 21:23h, 25 FebruaryGrrreat info-I'm just getting over a cold and the nausea from post nasal drip is really worrying me. I used water to detox but the PND is possibly the cause of my cold so if the Boo Candy works that would be grreat! I'm a Turmeric fan anyway. I happen to have a Neti pot too-can I use filtered water?
Posted at 13:18h, 23 MarchCan I use it on my 1 year old daughter?
Liza Clutario
Posted at 03:00h, 04 SeptemberHi Alessia. This might be of help – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhxk_midxFg. Cheers