How to Feast
I usually talk about how to famine. Here is my chance to balance it out with a few tips on...
I usually talk about how to famine. Here is my chance to balance it out with a few tips on... Listen to this 1 hour audio with your friend and family.You will be inspired. My friend & Yogahealer Mentor, Natalie Rousseau...
Pumpkin seeds are one of those amazing fall & winter foods you probably don't eat enough of. I started roasting...
Dear_You, I love your smile! I want you to keep your teeth for your whole life. That is why I’m giving you...
[caption id="attachment_2651" align="alignright" width="168"] Cate's kid, Indy, sucking down a wild green smoothie[/caption] Yesterday, I hosted a one hour call with...
5 steps to uplevel your wellness career What is your vision? Who are you serving? Build a product (repeatable course, or info product,...
तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानमः ॥ ३ i.3 tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe'vasthānamaḥ Like any good yogi, I'm a big fan of the Yoga Sutras...
Before the heavy slow energy of winter sucks you into the black hole of lethargy wake up and move...
This time of year people get sick. For the most part, sick is optional...