Health and Wellness - Yogahealer

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Health and Wellness

I usually talk about how to famine. Here is my chance to balance it out with a few tips on... Listen to this 1 hour audio with your friend and family.You will be inspired.  My friend & Yogahealer Mentor, Natalie Rousseau...

[caption id="attachment_2651" align="alignright" width="168"] Cate's kid, Indy, sucking down a wild green smoothie[/caption] Yesterday, I hosted a one hour call with...

तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानमः ॥ ३ i.3 tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe'vasthānamaḥ Like any good yogi, I'm a big fan of the Yoga Sutras...