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Dear You, So, you've been reading my blog for a while now, right? Keeping an eye on the conversation? Having an occasional revelation or chuckle? Well, I'm glad, but let me ask you… What...

Let me ask you a question… Do you ever think the accomplished yogis and vaidyas of yore (insert your favorite accomplished yogi(ini)) ever woke up and didn’t want to hit the...

FOCUS Simple + yummy Dinner needs to be easy to digest. Humans are primates, and don’t produce much bile at night to digest food. Create a simple and yummy meal. The later...

I asked my Yogidetox community for personal yogidetox stories. The stories from my detoxers split open my heart. At the helm of this big ship I can't know each person's...

Launch the Living Ayurveda Course video series. How to take better care of your body with Ayurveda, video one. Life from the Outside In My guess is that you’ve been on an...