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We lead through our powerful engaging course curriculums. And we lead by developing powerful course member communities and conversations.


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Body Thrive

Experience the power of the habits of elegant longevity – the habits of yogis.


3-week community-driven detox experience led by Cate Stillman.

The Challenge

21-day challenge to rewild and align your habits with how you want to feel.

Lead the Journey

10-day course for Wellness Pros to take their career to the next level.

Intermittent Fasting

Evolving your rhythm for your metabolic type with Intermittent Fasting.

Propel Your Purpose

Roadmapping to your next profound life breakthrough.

Constitution Workshop

5 lectures to discover your Ayurvedic Constitution

Allergy Relief Workshop

2-hour crash course to uproot your allergies + live allergy-free.

Vision Quest

Experience your next level of potential – to live your dream.