Habit from Ayurveda

Do you know the #1 Habit from Ayurveda that will guarantee you:
- You will wake up with more energy
- You won’t have a puffy face in the morning
- You will sleep much more deeply
I found out about the habit the hard way.
Most of us are familiar with the hard way. It’s the way of unconscious habits -the habits we don’t even know are causing us minor discomforts and slow degeneration.
I was not a body thriving kind of kid. My earliest memories include constipation and migraines. At five years old, I had headaches so bad that they would last three to four consecutive days of every month. Crying made the pain worse, so I learned early on not to cry. The doctors I went to for headaches never asked about the constipation.
It was the late ’70s in America. My childhood community didn’t know about holistic wellness. Modern medicine couldn’t help me. By my teen years, allergies piled into the mix of constipation and headaches. The doctors prescribed more pills. My dad nicknamed me “ The Pill Popper ” and hoped my chronic body issues would just go away. They didn’t. Had my family not been athletic, and had my mom not prepared our meals, my problems would have been far worse that constipation and 4 day headaches.
In high school and college, I took my body into my own hands. I experimented with diet. But I didn’t have a system for understanding my health issues.
I knew we had big problems as a planet with lots of people from an early age. I devoted my life early on to being part of the solution. I left my stellar international global warming solutions non-profit job in DC as an young adult to figure out how to help humans become more conscious.
I went to think things over and discover a deeper source of planet-human wisdom while backcountry snowboarding in the Teton mountain range. I was almost 24. I tore my knee, had surgery, found yoga, found Ayurveda, and began my journey into deeper wisdom.
I went to Ayurveda school, and while there I started to detox my body.
The constipation, migraines, and allergies dematerialized. I started to experience empowerment over how I could feel. The old patterns of imbalance became self-evident. This map of habits/symptom/alleviation was a pivotal breakthrough. While finishing my requirements at Ayurveda College and the Iyengar Yoga School I started yogahealer.com in 2001. I began to publish practical online tips and recipes shortly after.
Fast forward through 20 years of schooling and working as an Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher. In the process of my work, I found that most of my clients needed to detox their habits – just like I needed to as a kid – to stabilize their thrive at the next level of their potential. I witnessed that my clients who invested in Body Thrive education, guidance and coaching — the “nuts and bolts ” of Ayurveda — had much more rapid and lasting wellness evolution than those who preferred one-to-one treatment with specialized diets, herbal drugs, and body therapies. I’ve found my clients and students do better in a group to hit their body/mind/spirit wellness goals.
Since then, I’ve devoted my time to helping people step into thrive. Personal thrive. Family thrive. And even career thrive. I help peeps in the tribe – who read the newsletter, print the tips sheets, listen to the podcast – live a more connected, more awake life.
I devote myself to building dynamic groups for people who want to thrive in their bodies and in their careers. My curriculums are co-created out of the dynamic micro think tank and practice lab that includes my clients, students, and colleagues — my tribe. These peeps, my tribe, give steady feedback about what they want next. I’m grateful for this innovative community and love that you are now part of it.
Body Thrive as a course and a community existed long before the book. When first building the course I focused on the first habit. The habit that as a kid would have dissolved the ancestral pattern of constipation I inherited. The pattern that gave rise to my father’s colon cancer when I was 10. The pattern that I have a genetic condition to inherit.
This simple habit is what we call Earlier, Lighter Dinners.
Take small steps on this habit… and I guarantee:
- You will wake up with more energy
- You won’t have a puffy face in the morning
- You will sleep much more deeply
Bottles or herbs and supplements can help – but in the long run that is just another pill and a bill. With upleveling your habits you invest in your potential. (And you can take the money you will save from taking up this habit to the bank.)
lyn boughton
Posted at 23:57h, 30 AprilHi Cate, I took advantage of your free ayuvedic training and have now ordered your book. I have been studying ayuvedic practices alone for some time now and am very excited to learn there is a community out there with similar interests. I live in Australia and wonder if you are aware o any organisations here.
I have also ordered some other ayruvedic books you recommended as some of your favourites. thank you for your free training sessions. I look forward to learning more and increasing the depth of my practice.