Our Top 5 Yogidetox Blog Posts of All Time

Autumn is finally here! And we would like to share to you this week our top 5 detox for fall. These will show you the WHY, HOW, WHEN and were hoping this will inspire you to join our Global Yogidetox this coming October 12- Nov. 2.
Here’s our top 5 articles of all time. Enjoy.
Interview With Cate On Juice Bar Detox 101
I was asked a bunch of questions by Sarah Murray, a student reporting on the juice bars of Chicago for HUBBUB blog. Here were my answers for “How long to juice fast?”, “Why drink more juice?” and more…
Signs You Should Detox
If you were raising on Corn Flakes and cow’s milk from the grocery store, chances are your parents didn’t instigate seasonal detoxing for the household. Chances are detox is not a bi-annual ritual for you. I made a little video for you on Signs you should Detox. And for those who’d rather read than watch… scroll beneath the video an abbreviated written version.
How To Detox Without Losing Weight
Anyone who knows me know this isn’t my personal issue. But it’s a huge issue in the Yogidetox posse. Vata and Pitta bodytypes might find that they love the experience of detox… but can’t tolerate any more weight loss. What is a skinny yogi to do?
Detox Cheatsheet: Daily Checklist + Food Guidelines
Check out our Daily Checklist + Food Guidelines
Top 5 Foods That Detox The Body
These 5 groups of foods encompass the 6 tastes of Ayurveda. The six tastes account for the 20 gunas, or attributes of matter. Using the 6 tastes during cleansing decreases cravings and increases satisfaction. The six tastes have therapeutic effects on the tissues of the body, enabling nourishment of tissue and release of ama (toxic waste).