I have tremendous compassion for parents of young children.
It's insane. You get pregnant rarely realizing the next five years of your life may be the most interdependent, nerve blasting years...
A few years into my career as an Ayurvedic Practitioner I awakened to the reality that my job was much less about giving people really useful information to help them...
Elsie Escobar and I go back a decade in our training as Anusara Yoga teachers. We recently discovered that we are both a little on the tech dork side of...
Heal your Vision from the inside out
I have perfect vision.
I don't want to wear glasses when I get older.
Actually, I don't want to wear glasses ever.
I'm also not interested in lasers...
On Blogtalk Radio, Intuitive Mom, Ann O'Brien asked me how to get more connected, more grounded, and make evolving choices from Thanksgiving through New Years Day.
Many of us are totally...