Well-th into Wealth- Free Workshop!
By Cate Stillman

Thanks rebels for the huge response to the free workshop. Every line was taken. For those who missed it the workshop gives you the following tools:
- Connect with the current of your dharma in 2011
- Open new doorways to serve your community
- Create a unique offering (you’ll even sketch a flyer) out of the ethers as an expression of your potential
Before you dive in, you need:
- a quiet hour, at your most intuitive time of day (don’t do this while driving or exercising – it won’t work)
- colorful pens and a few sheets of paper
This Workshop is one little piece going into the archive for the Mentors by February 1st. So if you want it – grab it now. Through the Yogahealer Mentors Club, I’ll be shifting a small club of yoga teachers and holistic practitioners into what has lead be
Through the Mentors Course you will:
- Turn your Well-th into Wealth (participants are guided to get a return on their investment through the course)
- Bring a small group through a cutting edge transformative ecstatic health experience
- Receive coaching in your dharma explosion with Cindy Lou Golin (integral coach)
- Troubleshoot how to better support the individuals in your workshop
- receive support in upleveling your prana, tejas and ojas to serve from the great shakti
This is what you will get:
- to be a pilot in a group of 20 for the next 4 months with Cate becoming an
- A huge library of support materials to help you serve for the rest of your life!
- a sweet deal on continuing with the Mentors in 2012.

I have the sense of a huge momentum building with the Mentors. This club is going to be a collaborative research bank and testing groups for evolutionary community wellness careers.
There are 6 spots left.
Allison Smith Sacks
Posted at 20:46h, 28 JanuaryCate~I am super excited about taking this in 2012!!! Thank you so much for sharing your various interviews, the well-th workshop,etc. I am getting so much out of these and just love riding this sponda of Living Foods and Ayurveda with you! A huge thank you from me, my local kula and family-the ripples continue! ~Allison