3 Tips for Yoga Teachers for 2011
By Cate Stillman

This top 3 list is totally slanted towards 2 of my impersonal drives.
- To make what we know as yoga teachers more accessible to those we haven’t connected with …yet. Many of you, like me, have captured more than a few opportunities to learn from the greatest (or the greatest students of the greatest). Most people who could be helped most by what we’ve learned don’t run into opportunities to learn. How we increase the opportunities of the common folks is the motivating factor.
- To shift how our current students yoga from to being all about them to being all about their family/communities. For example, I had a recent Overhaul Package client tell me , “My husband remarked that you teaching me to bring yoga into my kitchen was the first the family benefited from my yoga practice.” Interesting, yes? The first step here is to enable our current students more capable of taking yoga off the mat.
Based on my 3 impersonal drives to make yoga more effective, and boost your greenbacks allotment: Here are my 3 tips for Yoga Teachers in 2011
- INVEST IN BUSINESS COACHING/MENTORING. I always had a thriving practice. I didn’t realize what opportunities weren’t on the radar. I invested in my Healing Skills. I invested in Yoga workshops. I forgot I was running a business… that I was a social wellness entrepreneur. Look back: How much money have you invested in your grow-your-income skills? What is the effect on your bank statement? Leave a comment below.
— - TEACH LIFESTYLE COURSES. You might have noticed a few things have changed in your daily routines since your got into yoga
. Remember how you used to eat before you became a yogi? I do. Foods like cereal with milk, sandwiches, and cooked noodles were part of my diet. I had no idea that I could eat in a way to advance my yoga. Guess what? Most of your students don’t eat like you do. Make a list of value-added offerings that will imprint in their home life.
—- - HAVE A LINGUISTIC BRAINSTORM. Have a storm in your brain. Who can you help that doesn’t know you can help them? What words do they use to describe what they need help with? Would they rather get “fixed” or “heal”? Do they abhor spirituality? Do you use New Age language with people coming from a rational/scientific paradigm? It’s helpful to think about this when planning an offering. I use New Age language for new-agers. Integral language for Integral-ers. Scientific language for the rational. Action: create 2 flyers for your next workshop that have opposite language for describing the same thing. Post where each is most appropriate.
If you want to make it bigger in 2011, let me know. I’ll add you to the list for a free conference call on this subject , email me. You have the opportunity to join an experiment on access populations that aren’t on your radar, niching out your niche, and placing yourself on the cutting edge of the new economy.
Learn • Teach • Earn Money • Help Others
Cate Stillman, founder of yogahealer.com in 2000, offers cutting edge online courses in the field of evolving health.
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Posted at 15:21h, 15 January[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cate Stillman. Cate Stillman said: 3 tips for Yoga Teachers in 2011. https://www.yogahealer.com/?p=999 […]
laurie greenberg
Posted at 15:33h, 15 JanuaryI would like to be put on the e-mail list for this call but the link will not go through because it adds on “mail to” and safari does not recognize this as a legit address.
Also, I am out here:) I happen to be very busy with classes and meditation. I still use all your teachings daily and utilize the wisdom. It is, however, overwhelming to get so much information without a specific key as to what I can utilize from the Level I course (second time around) in my teaching while still maintaining a busy schedule. So for us who have taken the course before, It would be nice to hear more specific info on what we can offer (like maybe a quick reference to the pertinent information for the month) in yoga classes to the novice students without going into all the nuts & bolts.
I like the “idea” of doing the mentoring course next but the cost in time is more of an issue for me right now. I would like to offer quality not quantity. I am feeling like there is an overload of information that has to be sorted through before I get the “pearls” and I do not often have time to do this on my own. So that would be what I am looking for to offer my students.
Thanks for any help with this and maybe it can be addressed on the call.
Also, I do not see any download for the Jan 12 call.
sarah hutchinson
Posted at 04:34h, 19 JanuaryI have once again returned to the 1st Principle of Anusara Yoga: opening to the graceful, brightening from my heart out, LOOKING FOR THE GOOD, and ultimately living fearlessly. The New Economy is here! Everyone is wanting to feel better. We know how to teach that. The timing couldn’t be better. I work in a stressfilled public school where SPICE WATER IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Not just for me, but for my co-workers who asked me what I do to stay healthy. Spice water seemed to be a good starting point. Anxious kids who fall asleep in savasana and wake up refreshed, secretaries sitting on balls instead of chairs; plans for a school garden. This is the good. Let’s grow it together!
With an upturned foot,
Cate Stillman
Posted at 19:51h, 19 JanuarySarah –
This is so what this course is all about. I can’t wait to see your pilot project during the Mentors Course. Watch out public schools in CO – your ama is about to expire.