3 Tips to Jumpstart your Fall Cleanse

Unsurprisingly enough, as a culture, we don’t fundamentally change what we eat with the seasons. And I’m not just talking about shifting your latte to one with pumpkin pie spice.
Of course, the past 40 years is the first epoch in our history that we nailed how to supersede Nature. And obviously, superseding Nature rocks… especially after a few hundred million years of being totally dependent on local foods.
However, some of us are starting to look and act more like an overfed, allergic and moody housedog and less like a sharp and shiny wolf… it might be time to get your fall cleanse on. In that effort, I’ve recorded a call for you with 3 tips to get you back to the basics.
Download your 3 Tips call. It’s 60 minutes. Received rave reviews.
Tip 1 – Your first food is prana.
Indeed, receiving energy straight from energy might seem a bit of a let down. You’re hungry and I’m telling you eat more prana. But it works- think of going to a yoga class and you’re hungry when you start and you’re full when you finish. Explain that – and you get that there is energy in energy. I elaborate on how to make the most of this one on the call.
Tip 2 – Your second food is water.
Don’t jump to conclusions that I’m suggesting you cleanse by becoming a hydrated breatharaian. However, starting a detox hydrated means less headaches, fewer cravings and better poop. You’ll have less to whine about… so other around you will be more supportive of your renewal process.
Starting the day with up to a quart of water, and having liquid based meals 1-2 times a day will set you off right on a pre-cleanse. Here is a recipe for a quick raw soup. Through everything in a high powered blender:
Asian Green Soup
- ½ head of fennel bulb with stalk, chopped
- 1 veggie bouillon cube (I like Rapunzel)
- 1-2 tsp. green thai curry paste
- 1 tbsp. coconut oil
- 1 tbsp. sesame oil
- 1 tbsp. miso paste
- 1 tbsp. nama shoyu (raw soy sauce)
- 2 tbsp. lime juice
- handful of greens
- cayenne to taste
Blend. Garnish with cilantro if you want to get fancy.
Tip 3 – Your third food are nutrients.
Go back a few thousand years and you’re eating more wild food. Wild food has the most nutrients. Superfoods like seaweeds, goji berries, incan berries, sprouts of many varieties are packed with nutrients. When you start to eat more nutrients, drink more water and breath more prana, you end up craving the same. When you drink pumpkin spice lattes… you end up craving the same. We’re not as complex as the pharmaceutical industry would like us to believe.
Ayurveda simplifies karma with a simple rule of thumb:
Like attracts like.
Opposites reduce each other.
Start your cleanse season with prana, hydration and nutrients. You’ll attract that which is full of energy, juicy and packed with essential power.
The October Yogidetox is open for registration. It’s bomber. All levels. It’s not a fast… it’s about transforming your pampered housepet into a vibrant wolf.
To help you prepare, print this inspiring handout. Print a few for friends or family who complain about any physical or mental health issues. Also, you’re invited to a free call on Monday Sept. 26, 12 noon MT. Bring a healthy lunch. Register here! Ayurvedic Habits: bring in the good and out the evil.
Grab your simple handout to get going on your fall upgrade!
Posted at 19:46h, 07 OctoberThanks Kimk,
The link is working now.
Bryan Vazquez
Posted at 03:06h, 30 Septembermmm, googled that Adya clarity product you mention in this talk. Apparently it's full of aluminum and false marketing claims about what it can do..