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Our Autumn Yogidetox comes to a close today. In celebration of a deeply rejuvenating three weeks with the Yogidetox community - i’m sharing my treats. With about 450 Yogidetoxers we went...

If you’re super pranically evolved you noticed you have a sinus that separates and conjoins the left and right hemispheres of your brain. If you’re not so super pranically evolved you...

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post on my love affair with chokecherries. Everywhere I turn I see superfoods. I feel hyper-nourished, and more than deeply abundant. It...

Let Wah! guide you how to reset within the day. Watch this short video on 7 ways to reset. Join me, Wah! and Dr. Mary Jo on Yogidetox, my most popular and longest...

Yogidetox is starting this October and our team has gathered our top 5 podcast episodes to help you get ready for the gobal detox which starts this October 12th. Listen and enjoy! #1: Detox...