Coffee & Kimchi

Dear fans and rebels:
Admist gads of requests for the free well-th to wealth workshop), I’ve had a few emails and FB posts about chocolate and coffee this week. Not surprising as we’re hitting the first signs of kapha season. The depth of winter stimulates a deeper agni, and the body desires stimulants for blasting open the pranic channels. So, yes, indeedy, that means if you get bitter and pungent through chocolate and coffee,then you may suddenly have deeper desire and appreciation for your substances.
The tastes right now to make sure you’re checking into your body are pungent, bitter and sour. Sour as in fermented. Bitter as in … well I’m using parsley like most yogis use kale. Parsley covers bitter and pungent. Sour I just started getting from Kimchi…those brilliant Koreans.
Winston was sucking down kimchee juice last night. I brewed my first batch last week with red cabbage and carrots from the garden. (Garlic from a friend; ginger, onions and cayenne from the store. Chop and soak the cabbage in salt water overnight. Chop and add the rest. Pour in crock. Fill a ziploc with salt water. Make it a lid on top to push the kimchee down. Sit for a week. Eat for a month.) Kimchi is pungent and sour. Not bitter. But the crazy enzymes spike samana vayu into action. Which means the kimchee organisms start to eat the ama molecules. How cool is that?
In any case, you are right fat dab in the middle of kimchee and coffee season. Add a pinch of cardamom to the coffee if you worry about your liver. The chocolate is fine if its RAW. Meaning Cacao nibs. Add them to your morning parsley and orange smoothie. Wowsers. (Don’t tell Cate.)
I’m psyched to change a few things this year. I’m going to launch a subscription membership for a monthly chunk of change. The focus: Evolutionary Intergenerational Wellness. I was thinking of calling it Well-th Insurance. Do you like the name? Too corny? Unclear? Reply to this email.
The Turn your Well-th into Wealth Free Call turned into a Dharma Community Shakti Implosion. If a such a things need to happen, i’m glad to bear witness. Teachers, practitioners, holistic wellness providers enjoy for a week. Feb. 1 it gets slammed into the Yogahealer Mentors Locker. Click it to grab it.
Two big deals left this month:
- the January blowout on my online cleanse – for those really willing to part with their chocolate and coffee. $99 – my best cleanse deal since 2003. Betsey Downing (Anusara Yoga Goddess and co-chair of Anusara Certification)
was so stoked about my (5) 5 elements classes in this course her kula is gets an even more special deal.. plus to warm the kula up to the JF & friends extravaganza. - the Mentors Course. 6 seats left in the house. Here is the scoop: 20 of us are going on an ecstatic wellness journey through our communities that hasn’t been taken yet. Integral evolutionary Cindy Lou and I are on fire about where this club is headed. (Waiting list is starting for the 2012 session.)
Enjoy your pungent, bitter and sours,
p.s. i polled my Driggs Kula about Spring Cleanse dates (b/c I’m only offering 1 Spring Cleanse this year – local & online). They chose May. May it is! This cleanse will blow all others out of the water. More to come on this in Feb.
laurie greenberg
Posted at 20:20h, 12 FebruaryHi Cate,
Just listening to month 5 & Q&A’s. Nice conversations! I am headed out to run as I am seeing that Kapha is rearing its presence in my life (no pun intended). Also noticing those cravings for coffee & chocolate….which does not agree w my vata at all and starts the migraine cycle!
So, thanks again for your wisdom. …I am back on track and looking forward to the spring!